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Live voice broadcast from Android phone.. wich app?


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Hi men,

I'm here again.. thanks a lot for the help concerning my past question about realtime voice converence software.. I will use Skype for now.

Another question:

For on-field live contributions and interviewes i'm looking for the way to transform my Galaxy S2 with 3G connection in a "portable voice studio" capable to stream my voice with good quality from my phone using the 3G or WiFi connection (when available) to an icecast or shoutcast server.

Do you know and app (free i better) that can allow me to do this?


Thanks a lot,

DigiART ;)

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Ther's no way?? Really?

I can't believe it.. there is Spreaker working almost good, but it send the stream at his server..

I want to send the stream on a server chosen by me, Icecast2 if possible.

I know there is something for IPhone 4 but i'm not finding anything.. please can someone help me?? Thanks a lot.


DigiART ;)

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I was doing some looking as well both in and outside the app market with no luck. General workaround I see mentioned elsewhere is use whatever flavor app you prefer that already exists to transport the audio elsewhere to a computer and pipe that audio into your broadcast accordingly. Apps like Skype or Ustream for example would do this.
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