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pal read from txt file


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Hello guys. I`m having trouble reading with sam braoadcaster from a txt file. I have a pal script that reads a txt file generated by another software. The file contains "now playing" data. The problem is that the other software ads a blank line after the one containing the data and whenever i try to read a certain word from that file it also reads the blank line. I want to know if pal knows how to read only from the first line of the txt file or maybe trim the line so that the output will only be that word and no spaces or blank lines. Here is my code


var S: String;
S := FileToStr('C:\gen.txt');
Song := ActivePlayer.GetSongInfo;

if S = 'pub'  then \\ here is the problem, when there is the pub word its actually pub and after a blank line
Cat['jing'].QueueTop(smRandom, NoRules);



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Here you go, this should work.


var filename, S: String;

filename := 'C:\gen.txt';
Song := ActivePlayer.GetSongInfo;

S := Trim( LoadStringFromFile ( filename) );
  if S = 'pub'  then  \\ here is the problem, when there is the pub word its actually pub and  after a blank line
    Cat['jing'].QueueTop(smRandom, NoRules);

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