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It's just me


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Hey Guys,

Its just me....Byron Nelson....Air Name "BP"......I have been a member of this board for some time now, but just now getting more time to be a more "active" member so-to-speak. Childbirth is a wonderful thing and time consumer as well. However back to the relevence of this thread and introduction. I have always had an intrest and passion for music since I can remember. It just so happened that 10 years ago, I was the right idiot in the right place and got into the radio industry as an intern and progressed from there. I spent about a year and a half at the local rock station here in my small market and well due to the wonderful politics of corporate radio and a PD that was to say the least very lacking in well knowledge being that he was a part time jock that whent on to sell cars before he got brought on board at my station as PD...I decided to get out of radio, but not before i had made a great contact with a local strip club owner and became a dj for him. From there things took off for me in the club buisness. I did anything from strip clubs to little taverns to even karoke djing to djing in second life for fun where i picked up a more fond intrest in net broadcasting. Through some of the people I met in secondlife, I came across my first shoutcast stream. The stream I got from there was a wonderful deal for stream pricing. 128k with 250listener max and automation. I have been in love with it since i landed it. The more and more I used it, The more and more I began to want to learn how to run my own non profit internet based station. Thats when someone referred me to this forum. Fast forward to now and I still have a passion to start my own non profit station for fun and I am currently trying to read up on the legal parameters of the whole scenario. My stream is still active to this day and with the extra time from being out of work due to health issues, the passion I had to get my station has been renewed with a kick. I have seen alot of great work by contributors on this forum from the imaging to the voice over work and more. The next pages and chapters of this story are empty and in the writings as we speak, but just thought I would introduce myself out into the mix.

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