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Looking for a new radio station slogan


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I used a translating tool ... to find somewhere a link to "pulse"

Strange enough the word "pulse" is written very similar in many languages

examples : puls, pulses, to even pulse


To what I have learned during my search ... the idea of "heartbeat" can sounds ok

example :

Pulse FM - (feel) the heartbeat of hit music - 24/7

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"Listen to the heartbeat of the music that you love"

"And the Beat Goes On"

"We have the Beat that Sounds so Sweet"

"We have the beat that makes You tap your Feet"

"We're Pulse FM and we have of heartbeat of the music you love"



Oops, sorry didn't realize this was so old... Oh well already did it.

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I wonder if this topic is a joke ? Or what ?


Several fellow members have given ideas about a slogan ...

but member "bisle123" don't make any reply to none of Us

bisle123[/b];74991]Hello everyone I'm looking for a slogan For my new station

The station is called a pulse FM it broadcasts mostly hits music 24/7

Wish you would help me find her interesting slogan

Sad and tragic it is !

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