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Beta Testers Needed - Centova Cast v3.0.0b2

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'Ya know? I really don't get on here and post enough, great forum. Anyway, if anybody is interested...


ROCKHOST.COM is giving away free Shoutcast Servers [v2.0.0.29] & Icecast Hosting [2.3.3-kh1] for an interim period as we test a new installation of Centova Cast [v3.0.0b2] in the cloud. I'm sure many of you are tired of waiting for a stable release of the control panel too. Let's do our part and go find some bugs. ;^)




Register here: https://my.rockhost.com/register.php then post back!


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I want that leg lamp LOL on your hosting page.


I have good bad and ugly for the newest centova:


1) THE GOOD: I liked The addition of KH32 Icecast. The extentions to upload the KH server version was LOOOOOOONG overdue.


2) THE BAD: The centova page got no great additions, So much tech has gone by, you would figure they would have made a hosted API to upload album art.


3) The Ugly: W T F was in their kool-aid when they created Centova Cast Ices, yet they did not MAKE A FRIGGEN SETTING FOR MULTI TRANSCODING OF A SINGLE STATION!!! This is something they are perfectly capable of doing with it ( I did it in the back-end, no suprize there) WHY WHY WHY.



As far as your site rock? one big feedback I got it I would take advantage of showing a flash media server? Show some real muscle of it. Show Flash media server live streaming with AAC+v2, or HD video unbranded. I can make you a 1080p video for a demo if you want?

KNSJ.org / 89.1 FM San Diego
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Hey, thanks Brutish Sailor, that corny video in my pseudo swank den was a riot to shoot. I could hardly keep a straight face. Unfortunately all I had for a video camera at the time was my wife's crappy laptop. Good call. For now though I want to focus on this beta test. Let me know if you are interested.


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I cant lie. It was boss. If boss was a tangable product, your pockets where overflowing with it. +1 for the swag factor.



The only thing it was missing was a bathrobe (the more outlandish flamboyant, the more swag. I'm talking elderly singles vacation in Hawaii loud) , a smokers pipe, and a bizarre pet pampering. For a cheap effect, Spraypaint a bunch of random bolts gold, wait till they completly dry (otherwise its animal cruelty) and then spray the top of a fishbowl.) bolts in, and somewhere mention that "the video quality is golden my pet fish (prep name here) knows all about that" HIIIILARIOUS.

KNSJ.org / 89.1 FM San Diego
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Well, the Centova Cast Beta v3 testing period is over. If anything, we discovered that the developers have a long long way to go before we see a stable release. I have collected lots of data which I plan to submit. The real downfall is that Shoutcast v2 still has not been integrated into Centova v2.2.6 in anyway, shape, or form. This leaves our company searching for answers. WHMSonic? Cast Control? Maybe I'll post a separate poll.


Also, I want to say thanks to everyone who participated. So, thanks!


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  • 6 months later...

Rock Host, In reguards to your inquey? Why not Alter the One of the Sourceforge PHP Server generator scripts to spawn an SC2 server. While it sounds hard, Its not as bad as you think it would be.


I have a friend looking to pick up some extra dough. Im guessing you are WHM based on your offers, But if you know a little terminal, Im sure he could make a pretty easy interface. I havent talk to him in a while, but I'll drop him a line, see what he thinks this project would run him.




Then again, who wants to use SC2? Someone that wants to get on the IP listings? Right now, everyones usin Tune-in, or the Icecast YP app here in the middle east. It was kind of a shock to see it, but ICE YP is actually a pretty popular app here.

KNSJ.org / 89.1 FM San Diego
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