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Canada approves new music tariffs


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Canada recently approved new music tariffs. Here's the article.


If you scroll down on the page that has this story, you'll see more stories, but one titled "BMI hurting artists, yet again" that is worth reading (a restaurant supposedly gave up playing live bands on friday nights because BMI demanded 3 thousand dollars).






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Interesting article. They were thinking of charging the end user here in Canada for royalties for downloading from Itunes. You pay for the tune then have to pay another charge ontop. Needless to say there was an outcry here in Canada of a money grab and it was stopped. Thank goodness. They mean well but it still doesn't distribute the money evenly to all musicians except to top ones that get repetition up the ying yang on radio. That's why a lot of indie bands are opting out and going on their own cutting out the middle man. Also tariffs are unchanged for internet radio in Canada which are very expensive.

Real AM Radio - Alternative music for the connected Lifestyle


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I was just talking to Curtis (the guy who joined the forum when he was in high school, Runs 80k+ TLH station radio kick) about this. I guess the Canadian stations already pay them, so it doesn't effect them as much, just live events. This actually works to the stations advantages, as if you invite them to events (like car sales in lots, public events) they can DJ, and take claim on the licenses they already have towards promo events. They just have to take track as usual, and make sure the money is sent to Re:Sound, SOCAN, and AVLA. So it works out in the stations favor there.
KNSJ.org / 89.1 FM San Diego
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I was just talking to Curtis (the guy who joined the forum when he was in high school, Runs 80k+ TLH station radio kick) about this. I guess the Canadian stations already pay them, so it doesn't effect them as much, just live events. This actually works to the stations advantages, as if you invite them to events (like car sales in lots, public events) they can DJ, and take claim on the licenses they already have towards promo events. They just have to take track as usual, and make sure the money is sent to Re:Sound, SOCAN, and AVLA. So it works out in the stations favor there.


Off topic, but where is Curtis these days? Stumbled across his interview on YouTube last week. I miss the fella! :(

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Hes not so little now. He graduated, ended up working for an FM station. He's supporting a lot of the DJ's out there, as hes realizing how much of the audio imaging needs to be done by the station owners as well as the ones the stations purchase. I think hes not around as much, just because hes utilizing every last ounce of free time to the social aspect of his station as well. Hes a great addition to any station thats lucky enough to have him on board.


He also does a lot of radio imaging tutorials geared mainly at the station DJ's themselves, for mixing in with the music (Dry reads to the newest tracks) and stuff like that.


This is his channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/radioimaging

KNSJ.org / 89.1 FM San Diego
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  • 1 year later...
You also have to have a RE:SOUND License now in addition to a SOCAN license if you run an Internet radio station here in Canada as of a couple years ago as well. RE:SOUND covers the royalties for Those that PLAY the music and SOCAN covers the royalties for those that WRITE the music. in case there are any Canadian stations out there that are wondering who covers our licenses here in Canada now that we have these 3 Licensing bodies SOCAN/RE:SOUND/AVLA...AVLA being more for Wedding and party D.J's/Duplication/Music Videos, etc... If you are a Canadian Internet station operating without a SOCAN or RE:SOUND license you are a pirate station...get legal. ;)
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