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Dodgy Record [Competition]


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Gday guys!


We are holding a great competition! We will upload a daily record that has been dodged up and has been exposed to too much heat! It sounds a bit dodgy and is sort of hard to tell, and our musos here at BW cant decide on what song it is! So HELP US! :rofl:


You have to guess that song! If you win 3 times, you receive a free shoutcast server from iWebfusion*


Just look on the homepage for the listen link and post here what you think the answer is!


*Shoutcast server is run at 96kbps and has 50 listener slots. The server is yours for a year.


Good luck!

Studiio - All-In-One Radio Communication Platform
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Gday guys!


We are holding a great competition! We will upload a daily record that has been dodged up and has been exposed to too much heat! It sounds a bit dodgy and is sort of hard to tell, and our musos here at BW cant decide on what song it is! So HELP US! :rofl:


You have to guess that song! If you win 3 times, you receive a free shoutcast server from iWebfusion*


Just look on the homepage for the listen link and post here what you think the answer is!


*Shoutcast server is run at 96kbps and has 50 listener slots. The server is yours for a year.


Good luck!



Okay, I think it is Summertime by Will Smith I hear.

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Gday guys!


We are holding a great competition! We will upload a daily record that has been dodged up and has been exposed to too much heat! It sounds a bit dodgy and is sort of hard to tell, and our musos here at BW cant decide on what song it is! So HELP US! :rofl:


You have to guess that song! If you win 3 times, you receive a free shoutcast server from iWebfusion*


Just look on the homepage for the listen link and post here what you think the answer is!


*Shoutcast server is run at 96kbps and has 50 listener slots. The server is yours for a year.


Good luck!



Okay, I think it is Summertime by Will Smith I hear.



nope, keep trying.

its on the us charts ;)

Studiio - All-In-One Radio Communication Platform
SMS | Phone Calls | Social Media | Content

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very fast :D

congrats xtra musica..

1 more correct answer to win the shoutcast server!






Well, i was lucky, just came on the site.....listened and yeah, heard "talk to me now"





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