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Decided to Stop Lurking and Post a Question Non '-cast' Streaming


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Hi everyone,


Been lurking around here off and on for over a year and figured it's time to come out of the shadows (creepy I know). My fiance and I used to do radio via Blog Talk Radio but knew that at some point we would want to be more independent.


However, in that independence (from what I can see) we will have to depend on some type of '-cast' hosting (Shoutcast, Icecast whatever).


I have Direttore Pro which I like but in order to stream it needs Winamp running in the background (which I don't like). I also have Broadwave (paid) and an Alesis mixer to be able to use Skype (just so you know what I have on hand that might be of use).


So, say I wanted to use a Go Daddy streaming sever (not really just as an example), what would be my options for automation and streaming that did not involve Shoutcast, Outcast or any other -cast? Even if I have to use Winamp would I have any other options to get my stream to the net?


I have also tried SAM, which I like but it is not going to be in the budget anytime soon.


Thanks in advance and I have really enjoyed the forum thus far. Hope that at some point I have something valuable to add.





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Shoutcast and ice cast do have standalone software which means you don't need winamp, edcast and altacast are examples of these. Or if you want to use a windows media server you could use windows media encoder to stream to it. For my play out I use Radio DJ version 1.5.8 which supports the shoutcast DSP plugin which is basically the win amp plugin but instead of using Winamp it uses radio DJ

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I love shameless plugs, been guilty of a few myself LOL. So I am still exploring possibilities. The server that I am looking at using has a Linux OS so does that mean I am limited to using Icecast?


Shoutcast runs on Linux just fine. we use version 1.9.8 haven't been able to figure out V2 yet it's so darn complicated.

My Blog https://djgarybaldy.blogspot.com

User of RadioDJ FREE radio playout software since 2010.

How to Install RadioDJ: https://djgarybaldy.blogspot.com/2020/08/how-to-install-radiodj-free-radio.html

RadioDJ is my FAVOURITE piece of software it works when I need It



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