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Facebook Radio Player

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Hi All..


Just wanted to know if there is anyone here who is using a facebook player for their station ... how do you feel about it? If you are , can I have a link to your station that I can have a look at? Any suggestions as to the best ones> Am thinking of going with the paid version by wavestreaming just wanted to know if anyone has any other suggestion?


We have a facebook group with about 21k members and we are just looking at ways and means of making it easy for most of them to access the station.Thanks for taking time to read this




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Hi curtis ... have a look at this: http://help.wavestreaming.com/radio-player/using-the-advanced-player-with-facebook/ or better still this: http://www.wavestreaming.com/player/shoutcast-pro-radio-player scroll down the page and see a video they have on that page ....




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  • 3 weeks later...
I thought Facebook was getting rid of these customised pages? I have no option to create them anymore :( and I read somewhere they are being phased out....it looks as if Facebook wants people to pay for making their page look personalised

http://www.immenseradio.com - Non Stop Dance

http://www.immenselive.com - Just Great Music and the home of two top 10 @ 10's a day!

http://www.stationguru.com - The ultimate radio resource website

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Stevo is indeed correct you have no way of adding custom code to a FB page now so the idea of a FB radio player is as dead as Elvis!

My Blog https://djgarybaldy.blogspot.com

User of RadioDJ FREE radio playout software since 2010.

How to Install RadioDJ: https://djgarybaldy.blogspot.com/2020/08/how-to-install-radiodj-free-radio.html

RadioDJ is my FAVOURITE piece of software it works when I need It



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I hear you Stevo and Gary .....just checked out that link provided by Grahambaster ... he has it working on his page .. check it out ...am listening to his station via Fb page right now ...
If the people that have these pages look within their admin sections it will explain that they will be deactivated at some point in the future. To be honest I blame all the stupid like pages with their malicious coding such as see who's viewed you just click all these adverts and complete these offers etc. Its a pity they have spoilt it for us genuine users.

http://www.immenseradio.com - Non Stop Dance

http://www.immenselive.com - Just Great Music and the home of two top 10 @ 10's a day!

http://www.stationguru.com - The ultimate radio resource website

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If the people that have these pages look within their admin sections it will explain that they will be deactivated at some point in the future. To be honest I blame all the stupid like pages with their malicious coding such as see who's viewed you just click all these adverts and complete these offers etc. Its a pity they have spoilt it for us genuine users.


Indeed Stevo Facebook has become a haven for Spammers and it's not great I give facebook about 2 years before it becomes like myspace.


What may work on a FB page now may not in a few weeks/months therefore people spending money with wavestreaming for the app may well be asking for their money back!


Oh and thanks for the Sarcasm @ Shoutcaststreaming it really wasn't worth it!

My Blog https://djgarybaldy.blogspot.com

User of RadioDJ FREE radio playout software since 2010.

How to Install RadioDJ: https://djgarybaldy.blogspot.com/2020/08/how-to-install-radiodj-free-radio.html

RadioDJ is my FAVOURITE piece of software it works when I need It



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Its good to see Facebook doing all they can to put people off using the service. Every day when I use the app on my phone it suggests I like Shell..... why would I want to do that grrr. Time to get back onto Google +

http://www.immenseradio.com - Non Stop Dance

http://www.immenselive.com - Just Great Music and the home of two top 10 @ 10's a day!

http://www.stationguru.com - The ultimate radio resource website

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If the people that have these pages look within their admin sections it will explain that they will be deactivated at some point in the future. To be honest I blame all the stupid like pages with their malicious coding such as see who's viewed you just click all these adverts and complete these offers etc. Its a pity they have spoilt it for us genuine users.


Sorry for being too slow here Steve087....by being deactivated ..... do you mean here on BW or on FB?? just seeking some clarity)......... whilst I get your point and views on Fb and what's likely to happen to it, ..... yes FB may not live to see the day but it is here for now and I feel that maybe it's best to work with it (if you want to of coz) for as long as it's around.

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I am talking about on Facebook. People can no longer create an additional Iframe or xmbl (or whatever its called) page, the option is just not there. When. I did have one of these additional pages it said it would not be available after a certain date, I can't remember when the date was but it was sometime in the coming months.

http://www.immenseradio.com - Non Stop Dance

http://www.immenselive.com - Just Great Music and the home of two top 10 @ 10's a day!

http://www.stationguru.com - The ultimate radio resource website

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see if this works, look for the radio stream tab.

I used the iframe app and pasted my web player from my own site in.


on your FB player right now John c .....i like it ...thanks for sharing ...will look into the iframe app ...thanks once again.

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