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Second attempt at posting which is never as good as the first :sad:


Hi Ya'll, my name is Lisa aka L. aka L. Marrie (fancy for Marie) and I am the co-founder, co-owner, co-producer and co-host of Verb Radio. The other half of the team would be my fiance.


We started Verb Radio back in 2008 on Blog Talk Radio and quickly realized we would need much more than that platform could offer. Before we could move out on our own, life happened and we had to shut down the show altogether. Now we are ready to get back at it and I appreciate all the support I have gotten from you guys thus far.


I am working at putting all the pieces together so I don't have anything to share with you just yet, but so you can get a feel for what Verb Radio is about I have added a link to a short video (originally for Kickstarter) that tells our story.

Hope this helps you to not think of me as such a stranger :batman:







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