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Which radio hosting + AutoDJ (Budget 60USD/mth)


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I am looking for radiohosting and AutoDJ solution. My Budget is 60 USD monthly


AutoDJ must have good control panel, where is easy to changing playlists, and adding more than one playlists.


For hosting I need at least 200 listeners for 128kbs


My radio is from Czech republic, will be problem with Conectivity if server will be in UK or USA ?


Also my other question which bandwidt is best for this listeners ?


I will glad for your suggestion, I have one choose for now and its wavestreaming, but they screw up me becouse they are not able to answer me on my question, only reciving from them spam. But service looks good.

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From the Czech Republic it would be better to get a server in the UK. Ones in the US will have a higher latency. But, either should work for you.


Most stations that broadcast music use 128k MP3 or 64k AAC+. They give the best quality for the cost.


There are many Stream Hosted listed in Broadcasting World that you can choose from:


SCS - Dedicated Bandwidth Servers

Shoutcast / Icecast / Windows Media

Transcoding - Auto DJ - Mobile Radio - FLASH Players - Auto DJ

Broadcasting World's Stream Host of the Month

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  • 6 months later...
you shouldnt have any issues with connectivity i use http://xtremesound.co.uk they have a 128 kbps stream here http://xtremesound.co.uk/billing/index.php/order/128-kbps-streaming?period=1M i use the 320 kbps stream but with $60 budget you can buy for several months they offer 20GB diskspace autodj anf unlimited bandwidth and as close to unlimited listeners as humanly possible in this case its 99999 listeners. im using them have been for possibly 6 months now and never looked back.
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Wow, one hundred thousand listeners at 128k for only $8 US a month. Assuming that a 100 mbit server can handle 728 listeners at 128k, that means they need one hundred and thirty seven (137) servers to handle that load. If each server is $100 (cheap), that means they need $13,700 worth of servers to handle an $8 order.


I don't think so.

SCS - Dedicated Bandwidth Servers

Shoutcast / Icecast / Windows Media

Transcoding - Auto DJ - Mobile Radio - FLASH Players - Auto DJ

Broadcasting World's Stream Host of the Month

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wow, one hundred thousand listeners at 128k for only $8 us a month. Assuming that a 100 mbit server can handle 728 listeners at 128k, that means they need one hundred and thirty seven (137) servers to handle that load. If each server is $100 (cheap), that means they need $13,700 worth of servers to handle an $8 order.


I don't think so.



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@JamboUK - pmsl ?? - No, I don't think so, I just told the truth. 100,000 listeners a month for $8 US it totally a lie. You just posted about this host about 5 or more times so you could get a free Voiceover.

SCS - Dedicated Bandwidth Servers

Shoutcast / Icecast / Windows Media

Transcoding - Auto DJ - Mobile Radio - FLASH Players - Auto DJ

Broadcasting World's Stream Host of the Month

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@JamboUK - pmsl ?? - No, I don't think so, I just told the truth. 100,000 listeners a month for $8 US it totally a lie. You just posted about this host about 5 or more times so you could get a free Voiceover.

PMSL = Piss My Self Laughing :yes:


I can't account for how they do it i only have an account with them. im just sharing the good service i get from them.

Would you be able to set me up with an account on your hosting service so we can add it to our reviews section timelord?

Studiio - All-In-One Radio Communication Platform
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  • 1 month later...
Wow, one hundred thousand listeners at 128k for only $8 US a month. Assuming that a 100 mbit server can handle 728 listeners at 128k, that means they need one hundred and thirty seven (137) servers to handle that load. If each server is $100 (cheap), that means they need $13,700 worth of servers to handle an $8 order.


I don't think so.


Hahahaha. Someone with common sense! Quality

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
This post is old, but... you thought that would cost $60 per month for 200 listeners and 128 Kbits... It's actually a lot cheaper than that!

SHOUTca.st - Cheap and reliable SHOUTcast servers, free iPhone Apps!

We are giving a discount of 30% on all of our paid plans: BROADCASTINGWORLD30!

Want to try our services first? No problem, we've got a free plan!

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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 weeks later...

excused my bad english :)

it isn't my own language....


i host my webradiostation in germany and i pay 17€/monthly for an vtec-root with round 1000 listner at 192kbit, but this is an old price.

u can host each stream u need by this thing >>> http://www.g-factory.de/vtec-vserver-mieten.php

On this site u will find vroots that use teklab as underground and u can host so many streams u will :)


Take alook on this site and find out what u need.


my radiostation can be found here : http://netsoundradio.eu

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