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SAM on Win7 vs XP


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Finaly back online after the complete crash of my "old" XP


The new machine is a Win7 who has a Virtual Box who makes it possible that "older software" is capable to be operational for reason that the XP virtual platform accepts that software as compatible


One problem can be the MySQL service ...

To use SAM, MySQL is needed as database ...

for reason that the new machine with the XP platform reboots awesome fast, it looks that SAM loaded before MySQL (results in error "no database found")

I solved the problem by installing the same version of MySQL at the startup menu of Win7

Problem : the MySQL version needed at the XP is an older version and is not accepted to be operational on the Win7

BUT ... The compatibility modus of it can be easily changed at Win7 to be compatible / runs as XP


Now ... one problem remains ...

My Adobe to make reads is also installed at my XP ...

it works (sound itself is great) ... but I'm experiencing at the start of each new line a "clipper" ...

it makes that no read can be seen as clean ... (input volume is set similar as used before at my former XP)

So, if anyone knows how to solve this, Your input is welcome


Attached a screenshot how it looks at my TV screen at home (HDMI is used as connection)

The relays window has a blur effect, for reason that some IPs are used by 3rd party users of my reseller server ...



Feel free to check the stream and the quality of it !

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I know Jim ...

problem is ... I'm that satisfied of SAM3 that I'm ... lets say hooked to it

It does "still" what is needed and it don't gives any conflicts

I'm not an old fashion guy, but if something works A-ok, I do what they say : Never change a winning team :thumbup:


Thanks for your feedback !

Wow, from looking at that screen shot, you got an old version of SAM.
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Thanks also to Saint and Bill for the input


Thats right Johny ...

I bought my recent (new) pc at a local mall into my neighbourhood

They had only one type of pc who still had Win7 as platform ... All others had Win8

Lucky you didnt get Windoz 8 Phill, could be worse for you. Im staying with xp as long as hardware lets me. I can see myself using it for many years yet.

In fact my Win7 wasn't downgraded to an XP ...

The company of a friend of mine installed a kind of Virtual Box ...


Operational :

- Win7 starts up and shows the main desktop screen

- the Virtual Box starts up right after it, as an own platform (mine = XP)


So ...

- Operational all older software can be installed and runs at the XP platform

- however by minimizing the XP screen ... it shows the Win7 desktop

- it makes it possible that as user We can work with both platforms at the same time without there is any conflict


I didn't knew that it was possible ... but I'm glad they succeed

For details check : https://www.virtualbox.org

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I run SAM 4.9.8 (I think thats the latest) on my Windows 7 Machine. I do use the Run as Administrator, but it works much better than my XP machine.

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Thanks so far to all of You for Your reply


However one problem still remains :

Now ... one problem remains ...

My Adobe to make reads is also installed at my XP ...

it works (sound itself is great) ... but I'm experiencing at the start of each new line a "clipper" ...

it makes that no read can be seen as clean ... (input volume is set similar as used before at my former XP)

So, if anyone knows how to solve this, Your input is welcome

Everyone makes a reply to the main subject about SAM

But it looks that nobody reads the complete post ... concerning the "clipper" into Adobe

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pffffff ... What a night :)


I fixed it myself

Me Happy ... Oh Yé :)


I installed my Adobe to my “new” pc at the Win7 platform ... So not at the XP platform where SAM acts


I found a webpage to setup in the right way the sound input for reason that AA gives an error if the record button is used


How and what ... You can find all the details at this page


(if you like it, add it to your favorites, You never know that it is usefull to You also)


Now the reads are clean, also when the usual filters are added


and by the way ... enjoy NYE :) :kiss:

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I used to use Sam4 and I kinda liked it. Some say its the best thing ever, but I hated how it popped when I used to operate it manually. I heard there wasa plug in for that problem. I don't know. It is purdy good though.


I thought it was just our setup that was popping when operated manually and I am glad to find out it is not just ours, we have tried changing everything to get rid of this problem but it still persists. When left to run on Auto it is fine but as soon as you start to operate it manually then it pops every now and then which is really irritating.


Does anyone have a solution to this problem?

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