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LunarCaster DJ v1.2 Alpha 2 Released!


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Had time so I gave it a try, When I load a playlist in the left window like the other versions, it says "Playlist file Successfully loaded 59 dataSetPlX", I click OK and then the playlist disappears from the playlist window. I load it again and still wont stay. That was an M3U file. Loading into the middle window will work.

RAG-FM 107.7 Raglan New Zealand & ragfm.com

........"Top Music Top of the Dial"

Click HERE to listen to the RAG-FM radio stream

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Had time so I gave it a try, When I load a playlist in the left window like the other versions, it says "Playlist file Successfully loaded 59 dataSetPlX", I click OK and then the playlist disappears from the playlist window. I load it again and still wont stay. That was an M3U file. Loading into the middle window will work.


This should be fixed now for the next Alpha release...should be this weekend I hope.

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The player is running with no problems so far.

Can you explain how the events work ?

I have added an event and it played when I clicked on Start events after the current playing track, but not sure if time is in minutes or hours.

I had it set to play again with the number 1, but no event played again after the next track from the playlist

One suggestion on playing events is having the events play with no fade out, maybe have them play in a player of its own.

RAG-FM 107.7 Raglan New Zealand & ragfm.com

........"Top Music Top of the Dial"

Click HERE to listen to the RAG-FM radio stream

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Hi johny,


Just yesterday I found a bug in the Events section that I am working on tonight to correct.


The Events should work like this:


You have various calendars to choose from via the pull-down menu. Each calendar can have as many events as you like, but only 1 calendar can be run at a time. Additional calendars can be created (beyond the 3 provided) by going into the events folder and making a copy of an existing calendar xml file and re-naming it (LCDJ will need to be re-started in order to see them). One option called "Manage Calendars" is disabled at the moment, but will be a place for you to create and delete calendars from LCDJ directly so that you won't need to mess with the files yourself.


There are currently 2 types of events to choose from (Random & File). For Random events, you choose a folder on your PC from which to play random songs. For File events, you choose a single song to play (TOTH for example). The timespan option is the length of time in minutes that songs should continue to be pulled at random for that event. Or, in other words, how long the event should continue to run. So, when you have it set to 1 as you stated, the event will only run for 1 minute and move on to the next event if there is one. If not, it will either stop the calendar completely, or restart the calendar from the top if "Repeat" is on. File events do not have this timespan option as it is not necessary with just 1 file.


The Repeat option at the top, next to the Start Events button will determine if the entire calendar should start over after the last event is completed, or if it should just stop.


Days of the week simply determine which day(s) of the week this event should run on. If only Tu is selected, then the event will only run on Tuesdays for example and be skipped on any other day of the week.


There is still a good amount of work to do in this section. For example, I intend to make it possible to re-order the events within the calendars. Right now you have to be careful to create the events in the order you want them to run. I also intent to include an option for using playlists as events (either pulling random songs or playing the list in order).


As to the fade options, I suppose that could be something to add to the "Manage Calendars" option or the event options to either use the default cross-fade settings or a custom setting for each event. I'll have to try a few things out with that.


Hope all that helps. :)

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