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What a scorcher!


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Hiya all,


Sorry i haven't been around today. Im in a bit of a downer mood after battling fires here in Australia (Tasmania). It's where i live and its tragic.


Today we had our hottest day on record (48 Degrees C - 118 Degrees F) and it has sparked over 40 fires around our state, homes have been lost and possibly lives (but its not safe for police to investigate, yet).





Thoughts go out to the thousands of lives in danger of losing their lives, homes and belongings.



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What a frightening situation and I can't imagine the combination of all the fires as well as record breaking 48 degrees C to deal with. Thoughts go out to those affected and we hope the fire fighters remain safe as they battle to contain the fires.

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Weve had a few fires in New Zealand this summer, but no where as big as they get in Australia. I remember when I first went to Australia, people told me you must go up and see the blue mountains. When I got there all I could see was black for miles. Not good.

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