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Numark Cd Player, Alesis Mixer and Sam Broadcaster

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Numark Cd Player, Alesis Mixer and Sam Broadcaster


Hi all ...I have a Numark cd player which I have connected to one of the line in channels (13/14 and 15/6)on my Alesis Imultimix USB Mixer .... when it comes to playing my CD all works works until I get to playing Cd via Mic / line in into SAM Broadcaster ....I am getting double audio output from SAM ... just want to find out from you all here how best I can route the connections so that I do not get double audio in SAM ... thanks in advance for your help ......

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  • 1 year later...
still looking for assistance good people can any1 help. I have a Numark cd player which I have connected to one of the line in channels (13/14 and 15/6)on my Alesis Imultimix USB Mixer .... when it comes to playing my CD all works works until I get to playing Cd into SAM Broadcaster ....I am getting double audio output from SAM ... just want to find out from you all here how best I can route the connections so that I do not get double audio in SAM ... thanks in advance for your help ......

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Hi Frank thanks for responding, I have just had a look and I have the audio pipeline selected .and then soundcard showing Microsoft Mapper.. would you know if its possible in Sam broadcaster to use both Sam broadcaster players and a cd player or do I have to choose one or the other?



I believe you can do both by configuring this section


audio mixer pipeline.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...
Question: with a CD player >mixer as your audio source, how do you send song data to your stream host? I'm looking into a similar setup, but i don't see a way I can legally accomplish this without having to manually type my song info in every time the song changes.
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