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RadioBOSS 4.9 [beta]


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We just released a beta version of RadioBOSS Radio Automation Software! Everyone's invited to join beta testing. Free keys for beta testers (*)


RadioBOSS 4.9 beta: http://www.djsoft.net/smf/index.php/topic,3326.0.html


Don't know what RadioBOSS is? Watch this short (1:30) video:



(*) keys will expire July 30, 2013.

RadioBOSS Radio Automation Software: http://www.djsoft.net

RADIOBOSS.FM Icecast/Shoutcast stream hosting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all


Starting using the Beta copy of RadioBoss on Monday, very happy so far. The included Scheduler saves time. I no longer need Station Playlist , but can load playlists made with this program . On the purchase list if it comes at the right price.Island Radio Fm is only very small and the budgets extra small.




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  • 2 weeks later...

RadioBOSS beta: http://www.djsoft.net/smf/index.php/topic,3326.0.html


Changes (compared to

* All reported bugs were fixed

* Improved crossfading

* UI improvements


Development of this version and beta testing is at a final stage: free beta tester keys will be given out for 2 more days (till 5/3/2013) - hurry up if you want to get one!

RadioBOSS Radio Automation Software: http://www.djsoft.net

RADIOBOSS.FM Icecast/Shoutcast stream hosting.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just had a play about with your software, It seems pretty good but I had an issue with my GIGAPORT HD, If I selected ASIO it crashed the software and if I selected WASPI (or something like that) it send the audio out outputs 3 & 4 at the same even even though I had told it to use one for music and one for sweepers.


I like the look of the Segue editor though, it is like the one in myriad....only much better, could spend all day just playing with the seg editor haha

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Thank you for trying out the software :)


Can you please give details on the crash eg. what the error message was (if any). Also make sure you've selected the correct sample rate for ASIO - for some sound cards it has be the same rate as in sound card's control panel.

RadioBOSS Radio Automation Software: http://www.djsoft.net

RADIOBOSS.FM Icecast/Shoutcast stream hosting.

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  • 3 weeks later...


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