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Incompetent radio automation software reviews


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I want to warn BW community of incompetent radio automation software reviews coming from DJGarybaldy.

He bashes any commercial software app, especially SAM. And he always tells how good [...]* is (this is the software he advertises).


The post structure is simple: say how bad selected software is and advertise [...]* at the end. For example, Nextcast: http://djgarybaldy.co.uk/nextkast-no-thanks/


Another example is his review of RadioBOSS: http://djgarybaldy.co.uk/radioboss-more-like-the-tea-boy/

He says RadioBOSS requires Winamp to play the audio. That's a lie. It doesn't require Winamp and never did. Then he says that lack of 3rd party database engine prevents web site integration. That's, again, not true.


I don't know if he lies on purpose or it's just lack of a technical knowledge, but the result it: his reviews are worthless.


Ignore anything he says about any radio automation software.


* Removed software name by its author's request

RadioBOSS Radio Automation Software: http://www.djsoft.net

RADIOBOSS.FM Icecast/Shoutcast stream hosting.

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Errr....... I hardly think it is your place to personally slate another member simply because his opinion of your software is that it is not very good. A lot of people round here review various pieces of software but don't expect to personally attacked.


I think that your attitude is that of a spoilt child and you should take the comments constructively and use it to better your software. Disregarding feedback is often done by larger automation companies, and this simply frustrates their users.


Why do so many companies use a database rather than a flat file system, it's true it's not strictly required for web site integration, but it makes it a great deal easier and allows you to grow the site in different directions. It's akin to a decent website using a forum that requires a flat file system.As a web developer that is my opinion too.


If your software does not require winamp, then why is there a winamp.exe file in your program directory?


If your serious about going into the software business then you need to look at your attitude or no one will buy your products with that sort of customer service.


DJGarybaldy is not lying, he's simply saying things as he sees them and after reading his reviews I think his points are valid.


BTW, neither DJGarybaldy or myself are involved with RadioDJ in any way shape or form, Obviously you just have a case of sour grapes that someone has produced a free offering that is currently better than yours and is likely to stay that way if you don't listen to feedback!

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take the comments constructively and use it to better your software. Disregarding feedback is often done by larger automation companies, and this simply frustrates their users.

I always use constructive feedback to improve the software. But that's not the case with Baldy's review.

Here are the points he made:

* Requires Winamp to operate - no, it doesn't

* Not using 3rd party DB prevents web integration - no, it doesn't

* It's not worth $199 - no, the price is OK

Nothing of this can be used in any way to make improvements.

And it doesn't help people to choose software because his points are not valid at all.


If your software does not require winamp, then why is there a winamp.exe file in your program directory?

0-byte Winamp.exe file required for some plugins.


If your serious about going into the software business then you need to look at your attitude or no one will buy your products with that sort of customer service.

FYI, RadioBOSS was started in 2003.

And what's wrong with customer service?


DJGarybaldy is not lying, he's simply saying things as he sees them and after reading his reviews I think his points are valid.

He says that ANY commercial software is bad.


that is currently better than yours

Oh, come on...

RadioBOSS Radio Automation Software: http://www.djsoft.net

RADIOBOSS.FM Icecast/Shoutcast stream hosting.

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"Requires Winamp to operate - no, it doesn't" - WHY do you have winamp.exe in your program dir

"Not using 3rd party DB prevents web integration - no, it doesn't" - no but it makes it much more difficult, and lets face it anyone can pull song info from shout/ice cast, that's not web integration.


There you have one inprovement already, stop distributing winamp.exe with your install, it's not required!


"FYI, RadioBOSS was started in 2003. "- Really? your attitude sucks, and you are representing the company, therefore we can only assume your customer service sucks too

"And what's wrong with customer service?" See above


"He says that ANY commercial software is bad. " DjGarybaldy has been in the radio business for a long time, he has experience of many free and paid for pieces of software, from Winamp to SAM, Airtime, RadioDJ, Zara right back to his early days with Winamp so I would disagree that you feel that he isn't allowed to have an opinion. As a seasoned expert, he's just the right sort of person you should be listening to.


"Oh, come on... " ANY software provider that fails to listen to customer feedback, steering groups etc..... is going to suffer, as a product specialist for a leading international firm I have seen what happens when you dont listen, and the benefits of when you do listen to customers.


The choice is yours, but if you choose to blindly ignore feedback and valid suggestions.......just remember, software should be steered by customers, not developers.

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I think Djsoft makes a good point,


If at then end of every review djgarbaldy states that the product he is promoting is the ONE to use, I would take the review with a grain of salt. Normally reviews, do just that they review a product, they don't advertise the product they are promoting. T


That would be like Apple reviewing and Microsoft laptop, then advertising thiers at the end of the review, it just does not work that way...


He is entitled to his opinion... but I would second what DJsoft is saying.


Just a quick note, he heavily critisized my software, but when I tried to contact him for specific details on how to improve, he totally ignored me, even accusing me of spaming him. A proper software reviewer would have been happy to talk to the developer to give constructive feedback...

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"He heavily critisized my software, but when I tried to contact him for specific details on how to improve, he totally ignored me"


Did you actually read the blog post? There is a clear list of 5 things that he feels are wrong with your current version that could be improved on so I'm not certain where you get that idea that he hasn't told you what the issues are.


Your example of Apple and Microsoft isn't really a very good one, that's two manufacturers, not an independant review, there is a difference here.

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WHY do you have winamp.exe in your program dir

I already answered to this, see above... Well, I'll repeat: 0-byte Winamp.exe file required for some plugins.


BTW, if one explores software folder, he should be technically aware to make conclusions and write reviews.


no but it makes it much more difficult, and lets face it anyone can pull song info from shout/ice cast, that's not web integration.

RadioBOSS has API which can be used to do various things from web site or any other external entity.


There you have one inprovement already, stop distributing winamp.exe with your install, it's not required!

Developers know better what files should be shipped with the software, aren't they?


Really? your attitude sucks, and you are representing the company, therefore we can only assume your customer service sucks too

There's nothing wrong with the attitude. I just warned other members that there's a guy writing incompetent and biased reviews to promote his (or not his, doesn't matter) software. I consider this as a dirty promotion.

For customer service: if you never contacted it, then how can you say it sucks?


I have seen what happens when you dont listen, and the benefits of when you do listen to customers.

There's nothing to listen to in case of Baldy's review. We listen to other customers who say valid things.

RadioBOSS Radio Automation Software: http://www.djsoft.net

RADIOBOSS.FM Icecast/Shoutcast stream hosting.

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Sorry, yes you did, it does look suspicious though, especially as it's zero kb.


"There's nothing wrong with the attitude. I just warned other members that there's a guy writing incompetent and biased reviews to promote his (or not his, doesn't matter) software. I consider this as a dirty promotion.

For customer service: if you never contacted it, then how can you say it sucks? "



Errr. your attitude sucks big style, you are clearly incapable of being polite on the forum, and the review is far from incompetent. Dirty promotion? No, and even if it was, isn't this thread your own dirty promotion to discredit an unbiased independant review? If everyone in the company takes their customer service skills from your conduct on here, calling potential customers incompetent, then good luck for your business!

"There's nothing to listen to in case of Baldy's review. We listen to other customers who say valid things. "


So you're picking and choosing which customers you listen to, hardly going to give you a great software roadmap if you just bury your head in the sand everytime someone says that there is an issue within your software or that it could be improved in someway.

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"He heavily critisized my software, but when I tried to contact him for specific details on how to improve, he totally ignored me"


Did you actually read the blog post? There is a clear list of 5 things that he feels are wrong with your current version that could be improved on so I'm not certain where you get that idea that he hasn't told you what the issues are.


Your example of Apple and Microsoft isn't really a very good one, that's two manufacturers, not an independant review, there is a difference here.


I wrote him the messages way before he posted the review.

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Errr. your attitude sucks big style, you are clearly incapable of being polite on the forum

Really? What wrong did I say? It's you who say "sucks" in every message :)


calling potential customers incompetent

Never. I just said that Gary's review is incompetent and why it's incompetent. If I'm wrong I'm ready to bring my excuses.


So you're picking and choosing which customers you listen to, hardly going to give you a great software roadmap

If I'm not picking the feedback to listen to... then who should do it?

RadioBOSS Radio Automation Software: http://www.djsoft.net

RADIOBOSS.FM Icecast/Shoutcast stream hosting.

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I have explained why you are wrong, and why Gary's review counts from experience. We have a say in which software the station we work for uses from both a DJ perspective and a technical one which is based on fact and evidence and his posts are based on this rather than just one personal opinion.


You should listen to and record ALL feedback, positive or negative and then review which is valid, which is a duplicate of an existing defect or enhancement request and which is invalid due to technical reasons, user error, functionality already exists etc... and inform the customer as to what is going to be done (or not), or in the case of existing functionality / user error educating the customer.


Nowhere in the product lifecycle or roadmap does it include calling users / potential users incompetent in public.

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and why Gary's review counts from experience

A lie is a lie, no matter how much experience behind it. It's OK to post negative feedback, but it has to be real.


You should listen to and record ALL feedback, positive or negative and then review which is valid

Some feedback is so worthless - it even doesn't deserve to be forwarded to the issue tracker :) For example, when someone says software requires Winamp. Or do you think I should add this to the tracker and spend testers' time on checking this one?


Nowhere in the product lifecycle or roadmap does it include calling users / potential users incompetent in public.

When people publish incompetent things they already told everyone they're incompetent.

RadioBOSS Radio Automation Software: http://www.djsoft.net

RADIOBOSS.FM Icecast/Shoutcast stream hosting.

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I'm sorry to join such a discussion, but i feel that is my duty to clarify a one thing:

As a programmer of the mentioned "advertised" software, i never promoted my software in this way, and for sure i never encouraged anyone to do so, not even my moderators. What Gary says is just his opinion.


Please remove the name of my software from this topic, because it really doesn't have anything to do with the topic subject.




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I recently purchased Radio Boss for my station and have no problems with it There are demos of most programmes available , use them to see what you need. That's what there for . There is too much bitching in this world without getting stirred up by this crap.
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Honestly guys. Slagging off another forum member? Not going to fix things.


Some suggestions...

  • If you want to feel more superior than another member, become a Premium Member.
  • If you wish to make someone feel less superior than you, do not do it here. We are family, a community and welcoming.
  • Positive opinions are what we accept here. Not negative. Hence why Gary made constructive criticism on his website. But I do not encourage anybody to criticise anyone or anything without reason. That is my personal opinion.

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