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We Are Re-Launching Soon!


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Hey all,


I have been busy over the past few months planning and designing our re-launch. I have a dedicated focus and plan for the future of Broadcasting World, this new launch will outline the best bits of our website and will make our site truly a one-stop-solution for internet broadcasters.


We will be combining some sections, re-coding everything, adding new sections and making the site more user friendly. You will have complete control over your radio station, talent profile and reviews pages. We will be focusing on Internet Radio and Internet TV as times are getting tougher, we want to support internet enabled communication technologies so we will pursue in offering only Internet services.


I have started re-designing the homepage privately. And here is your first look below.


Yes, all data (forum posts, stations, reviews) will be kept. Reviews and Stations may be updated slightly to fit into the new system. Yes API's will be coming for those who wish to use our stations data. Yes we will be uploading more videos on YouTube. And yes you can remove that ad at the top by becoming a Pro member or a Talent.


More info to come.


If you have any suggestions, comments or feature requests. Post here!

Edited by James
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Studiio - All-In-One Radio Communication Platform
SMS | Phone Calls | Social Media | Content

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Looks good! The Tools section was being discussed in the chat box. I'm curious about that. Are there going to be categories in the new Tools section? Like Windows/Mac/Linux under a Software section, then maybe a web tools section for things like OnAir scripts, now playing, etc. ? Just something to make it easy to find what people are looking for.
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I am aiming to make some online tools (stream calculator, playlist generator etc...) but I am tossing up whether or not to include some downloadable scripts (Now playing, DJ rotation on air etc...). I have so many that I have created and could share, thoughts?


Also I am trying to find a retailer around me to partner in creating some videos for our YouTube channel. I am looking at retailers who sell broadcasting equipment such as mixers and microphones. Id love to create some video reviews, top products and new product videos! So you may see me on video soon!

Edited by James

Studiio - All-In-One Radio Communication Platform
SMS | Phone Calls | Social Media | Content

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I'm looking forward to it James ...


I'm so sorry that I'm not around that much lately

The situation with my Dad is still not changed and it is getting worser ... The question that remains is "when ?"

Sad but true


I visit the website almost every day, but GK is just watching and looking around

Good luck mate !

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I'm looking forward to it James ...


I'm so sorry that I'm not around that much lately

The situation with my Dad is still not changed and it is getting worser ... The question that remains is "when ?"

Sad but true


I visit the website almost every day, but GK is just watching and looking around

Good luck mate !


My thoughts and prayers are with you and your father GK!

  • Thanks 1

Studiio - All-In-One Radio Communication Platform
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Thanks James

Its already 11 years with ups and downs ... and since about "6" Months its getting worser every day

7 Weeks ago We had a meeting (the fourth in less than 11 Years) about "the preparations" ... The fourth time in 11 years !

Phones are now up once again 24/7 ... day and Night

The rollercoaster of life ... A tragedy for both My Mom and Me

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your father GK!

Thanks again, appreciated !

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  • 4 weeks later...
Very nice!

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Latest Reviews block on the start page seems to be throwing errors. I'm guessing someone already knows that but, I thought I would mention it anyway. ;)


Any timeframe on when the Tools section will be up?


You also might want to update the Copyright at the bottom to 2008 - 2013 instead of 2008 - 2011.

Edited by PapaBearPW
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Latest Reviews block on the start page seems to be throwing errors. I'm guessing someone already knows that but, I thought I would mention it anyway. ;)

Ah whoops! Mybad. I'll be fixing that section up soon!


Any timeframe on when the Tools section will be up?

I'll work on it next as it seems to be much anticipated! Hopefully next week.


You also might want to update the Copyright at the bottom to 2008 - 2013 instead of 2008 - 2011.

Cheers ;)

Studiio - All-In-One Radio Communication Platform
SMS | Phone Calls | Social Media | Content

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Admin Note for James:


I spent some time reviewing a few products/services, and typed it all out and when I submitted it I got an error. Just an FYI. I've yet to be able to submit a review, etc.

Stream101 | Affordable Media Solutions

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TOLL-FREE: (616) 277-7280 | 30 Day NO QUESTIONS Money-Back Guarantee

100% Cogent Free Network | CloudLinux OS | Tier 1 Bandwidth | Grand Rapids, MI

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TOLL-FREE: (616) 277-7280 | 30 Day NO QUESTIONS Money-Back Guarantee

100% Cogent Free Network | CloudLinux OS | Tier 1 Bandwidth | Grand Rapids, MI

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