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Metal Tavern Radio- Looking for DJ's.

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Hi there,


My name is Dj Anubis or you can call me Scott. I run a station for a forum called Metal Tavern (www.metaltavern.com) and am looking for DJ's to add to the Metal Tavern family. As im sure the name is a dead giveaway MTR is a heavy metal music station and if there is anyone interested in working with us we would be glad to add you. I am looking for people with experience but its not necessarily the be all end all to being a part of the station. We run a 24/7 station and welcome anyone from all parts of the world who would be interested in Dj'ing for us. currently my own show runs 2-5pm Est on Saturdays, i broadcast out of the USA.


If interested, just hit me up here in this thread or send me a PM and i will talk with you. For those that would like to Dj for us and meet the criteria we are looking for just provide,


Dj name you want

Day or days you would like to DJ

The hours and start time (everything is Est time for us so adjust accordingly to your time zone)


Thanks for your time and hope to hear from some people. http://www.djforums.com/forums/images/smilies/1_grin.gif



Dj Anubis




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