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First Ever in Internet Broacasting - NEOBLARE - Broadcast from Mobile

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NeoLabz launched new product for Audio Broadcasters which can be broadcasted from the MOBILE also....Please check the link for more details:





Check out the NeoBlare Android App at Google Store:





iPhone App yet to be released...like our Facebook page for more updates on the product.



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I'm going to take it for a ride through my opera emulator, see what it does and doesn't work on.


When trying to market something like this the following is relevant:


1) Does it support KHIC2 (Karl Heyes Trunk Icecast 2) AAC+ (have you written the argument into the player?)


2) What makes it different from such mobile apps like "tune-in" which is free to get listed in their directory, and can support all platforms/host. http://tunein.com/


3) Does it have any integrated API's like Last.FM, Twitter, FB?


4) What is its SCO factor that can help draw listeners from the top of mobile platforms like Tune in/ radionomy?


5) language support?


6) Since were stuck with you as a host if we choose to use this app, what kinda bandwidth are you offering? Port 80. Panel? Back rub?

KNSJ.org / 89.1 FM San Diego
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