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New radio station BAMFM! is now looking for DJ's!


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Good day everyone!

Have you ever wanted to be a radio DJ?

Ever wanted to share your music trough radio?

Just want to have fun?



Now you might get the opportunity!


BAM-FM! Is searching for new DJs to play on weekday's and Weekend's!



We do not require alot from our fellow DJ's:




1. Decent Internet speed. (Reference to live mixing)

2. A link to any soundcloud / Youtube or w.e you use to show us some skills.

3. A great and friendly personality!

4. If you can't make it one day, you'll need to make a record the day before your show is on or let someone else play for you that day.



We do not ask alot of requirement's and you're free to play what ever you want. (In consultation with DJ Radion). A microphone is not mandatory, however you're free to use it. Also we do not ask any money to play on our radio station, you're free to play on our cost!



Are you interested? Contact me on skype: mcdreamzor or E-mail: boeri10@hotmail.com

Like us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/radiobamfm

Website URL: Bam FM! | Home

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