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Good shoutcast setup for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64bit?


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Hi all,



I was asked by a friend to start a online radio station using shoutcast that will be fed by SAM Broadcaster.

This is for a really small community.

Right now I have a dedicated server with these specs:

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64bit

Intel i3

8GB Ram

2x1TB HDs

100/100 internet link

5TB Bandwith

Its not running anything other then couple of my personal websites.

I've tried to look for tutorial and the closest I've came across is this

Before I start, I was wondering is this the most up-to-date or there's something else?




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That looks like a great tutorial. What's wrong with it ?

Thanks for the reply!


I've tried to follow it but ran into issues and after searching the net i was able to start it without errors and start a test stream using SAM Broadcaster!


Couple of questions:


1. I added portbase=7777 to sc_serv_simple.conf

Once I start ./sc_serv

after that I choose 0

2013-09-06 07:19:00     I       msg:[CONFIG]  [0]  :  sc_serv_simple.conf


Why does it opens connection on port 7777 and 7778? what is 7778 for?


2013-09-06 07:19:02     I       msg:[MICROSERVER] Listening for connection on port 7777
2013-09-06 07:19:02     I       msg:[MICROSERVER] Listening for connection on port 7778


2. What are mount points?

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Do you know anything about mount points?

You can broadcast multiple streams using one Shoutcast v2 server instance.


In the Shoutcast config configure mount points:







Then set up multiple encoders in your broadcasting app for each of the stream IDs you spedcified (1, 2, ...)


You'll be able to listen to your streams like this: http://your-ip:port/test.mp3

RadioBOSS Radio Automation Software: http://www.djsoft.net

RADIOBOSS.FM Icecast/Shoutcast stream hosting.

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You can broadcast multiple streams using one Shoutcast v2 server instance.


In the Shoutcast config configure mount points:







Then set up multiple encoders in your broadcasting app for each of the stream IDs you spedcified (1, 2, ...)


You'll be able to listen to your streams like this: http://your-ip:port/test.mp3


In SAM i can have multiple transcodes. So you're saying in other words I can mask them.

ie. http://your-ip:port/test.mp3 is 64 bit

http://your-ip:port/test.aac 96 bit

But in my transcoder I don't see where I can specify that.



2. Why does it ask me for user/pass in VLC as soon as I stop sending stream to shoutcast?

I feel like its not configured correctly.

user pass.JPG





Below is my sc_serv_simple.conf


; NOTE: for any relative paths specified are relative to
; sc_serv and not to where the conf file is being stored

; here we will setup where the log and other related files
; will be stored. make sure that these folders exist else
; sc_serv will throw an error and will close itself down.
; we will make the logs save to the sc_serv2 directory

; the following will force any sources to be public which
; allows us to then connect and be listed on the YP

; password used by sc_trans or the Winamp DSP plug-in
; NOTE: remember to change this to something else

; password used for accessing the administation pages
; NOTE: remember to change this to something else

; as we are going to connect to the YP then we need to fill
; in the required options so we can authenticate to the YP2
; see sc_serv.txt - section 3.0 for details on getting this
; make sure that you completely replace the string
;  with the authorisation key you
; obtained when registering the stream for the SHOUTcast YP
; e.g. if you auth hash key is 12345 then the line would be
;      streamauthhash=12345


; now we will specify the details of the stream we're going
; to serve which can be done as follows

; or

; it can be done like this which is how it needs to be done
; if you are going to provide multiple streams from sc_serv

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You'll need to remove





from the config and add







instead. Change paths according to your broadcast and format.


Then add 2 encoders and configure them to use those stream IDs. Software has to support Shoutcast 2 for this to work.

RadioBOSS Radio Automation Software: http://www.djsoft.net

RADIOBOSS.FM Icecast/Shoutcast stream hosting.

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You'll need to remove





from the config and add







instead. Change paths according to your broadcast and format.


Then add 2 encoders and configure them to use those stream IDs. Software has to support Shoutcast 2 for this to work.

Ok, I will make that change.

So what would be proper way to send direct links to friends to check it out or post online?

http://your-ip:port/test.mp3 ?

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Ok, I will make that change.

So what would be proper way to send direct links to friends to check it out or post online?

http://your-ip:port/test.mp3 ?

Yes. Also http://your-ip:port/test.aac will work if you use the config lines I've posted.

In general, the link is built like this: http://your-ip:port/path - where path is the streampath (or streampath_N) setting in your config.

RadioBOSS Radio Automation Software: http://www.djsoft.net

RADIOBOSS.FM Icecast/Shoutcast stream hosting.

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Yes. Also http://your-ip:port/test.aac will work if you use the config lines I've posted.

In general, the link is built like this: http://your-ip:port/path - where path is the streampath (or streampath_N) setting in your config.

I've switched to shoutcast v1 and kicking user works.

As far as I know there's no streampath's in v1?

What would be proper link in v1?

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