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SAM Broadcaster 2013.5 Changelog


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For those that missed it, SAM Broadcaster 2013.5 was released at the end of August.

The official changelog is:


-v2013.5 (22 August 2013)

* Remove affinity limitations for better multi-core performance.

* "Verify Tracks" now logs removed tracks to the %LOCALAPPDATA%\SpacialAudio\\RemovedTracks\ directory.

* Gracefully handle incorrectly formatted track number tags in FLAC.

* PostgreSQL - Fix for newer "character escape" support.

* Auto application update added.

* SAMVIBE - LIMIT Library Exports to reduce CPU consumption.


There are a decent amount of changes there - SAM now should use all available processors/cores instead of being restricted to one by default, Verify Tracks now shows which tracks were removed, SAM now notifies you when there's a new version, etc.

All in all, it makes what for us is an already amazing program/platform even better.

Download the new version now and just install it over your current version to upgrade.


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  • 4 months later...

Great program. I wish i could afford it. I have used it before and fell in love with it but at the time it was out of my price range.


For those that missed it, SAM Broadcaster 2013.5 was released at the end of August.

The official changelog is:




There are a decent amount of changes there - SAM now should use all available processors/cores instead of being restricted to one by default, Verify Tracks now shows which tracks were removed, SAM now notifies you when there's a new version, etc.

All in all, it makes what for us is an already amazing program/platform even better.

Download the new version now and just install it over your current version to upgrade.




Request Line 530-255-4489


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The new SAM v2013.x is auto-updating. To ensure you have the most recent version available.

Reverend Aquaman | Station Manager | andHow.FM

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