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DJs Needed for Country Station

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Hi! Country Crossroads Radio is looking for DJs to volunteer on the station. We ask that applicants have basic knowledge/experience with Country music (station plays today's country, classic country, and bluegrass music). We run off of Wavestreaming, so becoming a DJ gives you access to our web based AutoDJ on Wavestreaming. However, you will need Winamp with Shoutcast plug in downloaded to broadcast. To apply, please send us a recording of some sort or link to a recording of you conducting a sample country music broadcast. We are very flexible with times, so if you can only work certain weekdays, we're fine with that. Below is a list of available time slots. If interested, please reply with your preferred time slot and I will get back to you.



  • Morning: 7am-10am
  • Late Morning: 10am-1pm
  • Early Afternoon: 1pm-4pm
  • Late Afternoon: 4pm-7pm
  • Primetime Shows: 7pm-11pm



  • Morning: 7am-10am
  • Late Morning: 10am-1pm
  • Early Afternoon: 1pm-4pm
  • Late Afternoon Shows: 4pm-8pm
  • Primetime Shows: OCCUPIED
  • Late Night Shows: 10pm-12pm

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