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Hello All, Newbie with questions

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Hi All,


I've just registered with this forum and I just wanted to reach out for a little guidance. Just went live for the first time on saturday and loved every minute of it. I now realize that I need more pre-recored or syndicated content and wondered where the best place is to find this. My station plays 80's,90's,00 music but I'd like to add comedy bits n pieces and interviews.


I've also made an attempt at a website but I'm not totally happy with it, Seems to be missing something. Any pointers there would be appreciated . www.rebelyelldigital.com



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We use a lot of syndicated content on some of our stations. I cant help you out with comedy stuff but what names do you have already on there and I will try to suggest a few more for the music!
Online Radio Shoutcast Streaming from just $1! Discounts on Software & Licensing. All your online radio needs! Check us out at http://www.onlineradioshoutcastservers.com
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We use a lot of syndicated content on some of our stations. I cant help you out with comedy stuff but what names do you have already on there and I will try to suggest a few more for the music!


Hi I'm starting from scratch, I have one DJ who has kindly sent me some of his pre-recorded 80's shows and access to his interview archive. Although The station runs 24-7 on a cloud server it would be nice to synch with other live shows. What would you suggest

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If you take a look at one of our stations turquoiseradio . com and see the schedule there are some syndicate shows on there that may well suit you. We also have some exclusive content as we have a team of our own presenters and we are releasing some of those for free syndication shortly. Most of the shows we have we have agreed distribution rights with the presenters and those that we havn´t we can put you in touch!
Online Radio Shoutcast Streaming from just $1! Discounts on Software & Licensing. All your online radio needs! Check us out at http://www.onlineradioshoutcastservers.com
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You can also check out my Show Hosts page at http://ragfm.com. Most of the shows you can contact the host by clicking on their picture. Just email them and tell them you saw them on my web site and you would like to take their show for replay on your station.

RAG-FM 107.7 Raglan New Zealand & ragfm.com

........"Top Music Top of the Dial"

Click HERE to listen to the RAG-FM radio stream

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We acquired TR recently and as part of our longer term growth plan we are proud to own the rights to all of the exclusive shows which we are shortly making available to other stations who wish to take them.
Online Radio Shoutcast Streaming from just $1! Discounts on Software & Licensing. All your online radio needs! Check us out at http://www.onlineradioshoutcastservers.com
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