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Kind Request for simple voice-overs


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Hi everyone,


Eventhough i realise i am pretty new around here, i was wondering if some of you would be willing to help me out.


I do not need professional voices , so even if you consider your voice to be weird , i will be happy receiving your input.


My idea is to create a season jingle for the xmas period this year ( off course ).


So if i could get a few original voice tracks , something along the line of :


" Hi , this is John Doe from Grand Rapids , Michigan wishing all of you a very merry xmas and a happy new year "


Feel free to record anything that you like to make it even sound more personal. It does not have to be in english , i would even prefer having some tracks in different languages , so dont limit your self on that.


I will be happy to post the result once i have managed to create the jingle , but if others like to use their creativity , be free to use whatever you think might be useful.


Lets hope to get lots of feedback !


Thanks in advance !

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