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Broadcasting World RCMS (Radio Content Management System)


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Hey all,


I have decided to start making a CMS for Radio Stations. This CMS will allow station owners to have a fully functioning website up and running within minutes. I have seen way too many people asking how to install scripts, how to make a website for a station and much much more. This is an all in one solution for station owners to use!


Features I have lined up include...

  • Lineup/Schedule (What shows are broadcasting and when)
  • DJ Pages (DJ's can edit their own pages and display information, images etc...)
  • Now Playing & DJ On Air Scripts (Installed by default!)
  • Popup Radio Player
  • Requests System
  • Multiple Users/DJ's

If you have any suggestions before I start developing, or any features you'd like to see, please contribute here! All features that I use will land you and your station a link on the Credits page of each install.


Since this will take some time for development, I will be making this Paid Software (I am thinking $4.99 per license, one license = unlimited stations). I may release a free version which has Broadcasting World ads on it or limited features. I'll see how I go!


Look forward to hearing your thoughts!

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Hey all,


I have decided to start making a CMS for Radio Stations. This CMS will allow station owners to have a fully functioning website up and running within minutes. I have seen way too many people asking how to install scripts, how to make a website for a station and much much more. This is an all in one solution for station owners to use!


Features I have lined up include...

  • Lineup/Schedule (What shows are broadcasting and when)
  • DJ Pages (DJ's can edit their own pages and display information, images etc...)
  • Now Playing & DJ On Air Scripts (Installed by default!)
  • Popup Radio Player
  • Requests System
  • Multiple Users/DJ's

If you have any suggestions before I start developing, or any features you'd like to see, please contribute here! All features that I use will land you and your station a link on the Credits page of each install.


Since this will take some time for development, I will be making this Paid Software (I am thinking $4.99 per license, one license = unlimited stations). I may release a free version which has Broadcasting World ads on it or limited features. I'll see how I go!


Look forward to hearing your thoughts!


Awesome idea James! Let me know if you need any development help! I'd be glad to pitch in.

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Sounds like a great idea.

A couple suggestions.


Band/Artist Directory. I run a station that plays local and independent bands, so on my site (currently using wordpress) each band gets a bio post.

It could either just be the same as the blog system, just a different category. Or what would probably be better is a specialized system for it with band specific input fields.

Band Name, genre (probably should be a checkbox field)

Contact fields: Facebook, Twitter, Website, Reverbnation, Soundcloud, Youtube

A main profile picture.

Description field.

Secondary pictures capability after the description.



A simple blogging capability. Ability to post news/other posts, maybe a comment system.

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Well ... I'm a kind of fan of the way RadioTuna ( http://radiotuna.com/) gives details about their registrated stations


First of all, check their website and write the name of a station

- To have a good idea about it, try my project ... enter "GK International" ... In fact by writing "GK " ... the full name should already appear into the list of suggested stations

- Now ... click on the station name and look at the right side of the screen

- You'll see a simple design of their player, including some "cover art" of the currently playing song

(in general the "cover art" shows "mostly" the right content, so not always)

Both the currently playing, cover art and recent is updated in real time

- Even better is ... the bottom of that list / tab ... it shows "station chart", "summary" and "recent played"

It gives a general view of some styles / genres who are played ...

for example : The past two weeks in the "station chart" section there appeared a lot of XMas songs

So someone who is not familiar with a station can "get addicted" by checking the station chart and / or the summary


To my knowledge RadioTuna is the only station directory who is using this kind of (almost) complete details

Edited by GKIye
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