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Voiceover intro for Middle School Play


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My school is doing a play and we would like an intro before we start the show. The script is below. Any and all contributions are appreciated. Please note that I did not use any specific title because this will be used for various plays and performances. Please add background music if possible.


"Greetings, and welcome to the PS/MS 146 (Pronounced One Forty Six) Auditorium. We ask that you turn your cell phones off, not to vibrate, during the play, as the wireless signals from your cell phone can still interfere with our wireless microphones. We ask for the consideration of our actors that there be no flash photography or video recording during the performance. HD video of the performance will be available for purchase after the show on DVD. There is no eating or drinking allowed in the auditorium. There will not be an intermission. So, without further ado, please sit back, relax, and enjoy the show."


Thanks in advance,

Scott Stelloh

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