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Request For Station Drop


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There are plenty of mics to choose from. What is the main use of the mike? Commercial production... as in trying to sell professionally? Broadcaster mic for "on the air"? For recording voice or instruments? How quiet is the environment that you plan on recording in? Has the room been acoustically treated? How much are you wanting to spend? Do you have Phantom power for a condenser mike? How will the mic be hooked up?


One mike does not fit all.

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don't call Me an addict :\ lol

but my choice is still the NT1A made by RODE



- vocal range gives the voice a warm glow

- no noise

- Phantom Powered

- even a non-professional voice sounds good (however some editing of the WAVE is needed)

- the NT1A pack includes : cable, pop screen, etc .... and a warranty of 15 Years is given if You registrate the product at the RODE website

- the best deal and price : pro standard studio quality for an average price of 180 € / 245 $

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