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Syndicated Show to engage your stations Audience!

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Hello, all. I was not sure which category to place this in I think general Internet Radio seems fitting. I am the DJ and 1 of the 3 hosts of The Z Radio, a weekly syndicated radio which is live Sunday Nights @ 8PM EST. We stream live to multiple stations and our show is played as a recording on a few others. We are looking for mare stations to air our show. We have been broadcasting for nearly 3 years now, and have been aired on various stations around the US, and a few in the UK. I have worked in Internet Radio, and FM, and in all honestly Internet Radio Stations are way better, and simpler to work with. Our show is a Mixed Music Show consisting of Rock, Hip-hop, & Pop. We Refer to ourselfs as "a mix with a message" as we play only positive and uplifting music, and our show is Christian Based. The Trio of Hosts, always bring comedy, Christianity, current events, and Coffee, In our weekly 2 hour show.

Feel free to check out our show The Z Radio, in the shows category here on BW.

Our website is http://thezradio.net or email: studio@thezradio.net

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