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Playing Shows in Sam Broadcaster

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Hi all,


I'm looking to play shows at specific times of the day in Sam. I've tried the event scheduler to add the file at a certain time. It will add it to the queue no problem. But it doesn't play at the time i want it to.


For example, if i want to play a show at 8pm and set that up in event scheduler, i want it to play at that time, and if there's another song playing that it will just fade to the show straight away.


I'm still learning about Sam and Pal Scripts, and I'm sure that this is just something simple, or maybe it requires a Pal to work?


Any help will be much appreciated.

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Hello Graham,


Insert this PAL - I use it also to start my TOTH and it works perfect

*** It fades out the current playing song and clears the queue list

{Wait for right time}

PAL.Loop := true;


{Clear queue}


Cat ['News (ALL)'].QueueTop(smLemmingLogic,NoRules);


function ActivePlayer:TPlayer;


if DeckA.Status = psPlaying then

Result := DeckA


Result := DeckB;



Depending on the lenght of Your TOTH file change the "PAL.WaitForTime(T['xx:59:40']);" to your value

Anyway ... by using xx:59:40 the TOTH beeps are aired right on time


To start your radioset :

- do use the Event Sheduler

- set the ES to load the radioset (mp3 file) as ipTop at xx:59:55 ... xx = stands for the hour

So if the show has to play between 07pm and 08pm ...

than you write "18:59:55" ...

- right after the TOTH your radioset gonna start


*** Change if needed the location where you insert your TOTH file

so change "Cat ['News (ALL)'].QueueTop(smLemmingLogic,NoRules);" to your values

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It's easier to use the Event Scheduler (ES) with 2 exceptions.


1- You must put it to the TOP of the Queue

2- Next you fade out the current playing song


Queue.AddFile('C:/songs/songtoplay.mp3', ipTop);


Obviously change the name of the file to your filename.

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