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I will be brief, I work for a local news station, I recently became a full time assistant producer (AP) and I am looking to meet other AP's and producers in the industry to share ideas, get advice, learn tips and tricks to be a better editor, things like that. I work for a mid-sized market in central Nebraska. We use Edius for our video editing software, we use Newsking for our shows, and we mostly use Pathfire and CNN News Source for our videos that aren't obtained from our reporters. I recently was upgraded from a part time evening news AP to full time morning news AP. What I am looking for is a place where I can find other industry professionals. I am also trying to get better at the news writing stuff so I can work my way up into reporter/producer eventually. I am new to the site and I don't know if this is the place I am looking for but google was not very helpful so I figured I would start here. If this is the right place great, I hope to get to know everyone in good time. If this is not the right place, its okay maybe someone could point me in the right direction? I also have a blog where I have been working on a podcast/vlog for a couple of months with a couple of guys from work. So I am interested in the underground or indie scene as well. Anyways thats about it for me hope to make friends and learn a lot about the industry.
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Welcome to Broadcasting World good sir !


Another good place to rub elbows and talk to industry people - is linked in. Linked in has several groups dedicated to Television and the people behind the scenes as well as production.


You can also take a look at my guides I have published that deal with Internet broadcasting - you can read them / download them for free.



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