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Satellite broadband

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Has anyone here ever used satellite broadband for internet radio streaming? A colleague who lives in a rural area and cannot get fibre broadband would like to stream an internet radio station 24/7 and he wants to know if satellite broadband is a suitable option for radio streaming.


Thanks in advance.

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Satellite internet is horrible. My parents actually have it. They pay $90 per month for a 1GB per month limit and 1Meg speed down. Not hardly broadband. Its so slow and never reliable, but it is their only option.

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Satellite internet is horrible. My parents actually have it. They pay $90 per month for a 1GB per month limit and 1Meg speed down. Not hardly broadband. Its so slow and never reliable, but it is their only option.


I could give you the experiences of sending the audio to Mt. Lagoona in San Diego on monument peek (to the FM transmitter) with a satillite. Its not a good experience. It actually was horrible and overpriced. They would be better off if a Cell phone service provider in the area offered signal and used a a hotspot modem.


Something like this:




Just be ready to broadcast in 32kbps AAC+ and even then your going to go about 5 GB's. Need a bandwidth calculator to tell you how much your going to burn for sending the stream. but off the top of my head? Roughly 4-5 Gigabytes.

KNSJ.org / 89.1 FM San Diego
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  • 3 weeks later...
I feel your pain about not being able to get good Internet. However I got Satellite Internet due to the fact that here in Elizabeth City, NC Time Warner is absolutely horrible so bad that they had a geezer come to my house when I had constant Internet trouble. My HD TV broke and I was about to connect a TV that my Stepson gave me to use till I could get a new HDTV. This TV Was Never Connected To The System. The geezer came in my room with a meter and said "Oh that is your problem this TV is feeding voltage into our system. I Jumped up and Yelled "You need to go back to school and learn something about basic Radio communications before you embark upon a job installing cable TV and that he'd better have a supervisor come to my house." I'd had numerous issues with red necks working for them who had but one tooth in their heads. So I got Satellite Internet a few weeks ago in fact over 4 to be exact. I actually have better reception and am able to stream a 128K Mp3 signal and not have cut outs. I'm with Dish Net and paying $79 for 50 GB from 8AM-2AM/Mo and I also get another 50 GB 2AM-8AM/Mo. It was the only way to stay sane here in Elizabeth City, NC. Only thing is I have to limit my Live shows to about 4-5 hrs/day and the rest I have to use LiveWebDj or tether with mhy cellphone using PDANet. But before I had issues every time I went Live here in Elizabeth City, NC. This is a real nightmare here I've even moved to another house and still had the same issues till I went satellite (Dish Net). By the way when I pull the IP when I listen to my own station it comes up Hughes Net and in Texas. Also I insisted that I got the Gen 4 or higher modem or you'll get 3G Speeds. It does have a slight delay, but when streaming it does not matter. You can't really use Skype but I don't use it anyway and my listeners type in the chatroom or and I advise this they text or call my RockLine. Its sad that I had to do this and I even live right in town but here there is no other land line provider so there is no competition.

Progressive Rock(Album Rock Deep Tracks),Classic Rock



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