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Your advise on a script please.


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Hi All,


I am writing a script for a pitch and putt commercial. This is what I have so far and would appreciate your feed back.


Goff’s Park pitch n putt is an 18-hole course, open to people of all ages and abilities,

It is a fantastic way to relax, enjoy natural surroundings, breath and connect with how you are feeling. All while trying not to rage out when you hit a crappy shot.

The course is open seven days a week, from April to Sept. Closing time is around dusk, with last tee off time usually around two hours before dusk.

Why not come and enjoy a fun game of pitch n putt? It’s a great chance to chat about the great and small mysteries of life in between swatting at a sometimes infuriating little white ball.

Goffs Park pitch n putt open daily for more information and prices visit www.facebook.com/goffsparkpitchandputt or give us a call on 01293 532824





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Thank you muchly sir, I wasn't sure about that part either but i think your right to leave it out.


Here are a couple i have put together The second one has the refreshments info added on. which do you prefer? i would like something a little more upbeat but im having troubles finds any suitable backing for it although i did find this one that i thought might go well. Any ideas ?

pitchnputt prod.mp3

putt putt golf.mp3

putt putt music back.mp3

Edited by frankallen
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