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Success Late 50's and early 60's Rock and Roll / Doo Wop Show Available

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Hello all.


I am the host of a program called "Story Untold," which focuses on the rock and roll and doo wop sounds from about 1955-1964. This isn't your typical doo wop show, though. I keep talking to a minimum as my focus is on the music, not me. However, in the short periods that I do talk, I try and offer some interesting facts about the tunes that are being spun. I say this is a Rock and Roll show and not a Doo Wop show because in the 50's and early 60's it was ALL Rock and Roll, so I will blur the lines the way they did then and drop in instrumentals, pop tunes, etc.


In the 6 months that this show has been on the air, it has grown tremendously. I recently received 52 requests in a 3 hour period generated by over 30 individuals. Considering the show originates from an LPFM, I'm quite happy with those stats. Part of this success is due to my marketing efforts (I have over 13K subscribers and 17,000,000 video hits on Youtube). Obviously, if your station takes the show on, you will be included in my marketing efforts.


Here is a recent snippet of the show:


I am offering the show free to FM and AM stations.


Thank you!

PJ Noce

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