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Calling all Stream Hosts!

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Hi all,


I have been working on a project called Broadcast Launch (http://broadcastlaunch.com/) recently. It's a station control panel like no other that integrates communication (live phone, SMS and webforms), stream management (auto reporting song logs and advanced stream host integration), along with a feature rich presenter panel for your studio which houses all the information you need (scripts, sport, weather, incoming SMS/Phone calls etc...).


We are looking to integrate with as many stream hosts as possible. If you are running Centovacast or similar with API functionalities, please email sales@broadcastlaunch.com with a test account. We will test integration with your server and confirm if it was successful. If successful, we will include your stream host company as a certified stream host for Broadcast Launch.


We are also interested in some partnerships. Some stations may want to sign up for a server before subscribing to Broadcast Launch for example, so we are interested in offering packages for new subscribers which contains Broadcast Launch + a SHOUTcast Server.


Either way, get in contact with us!





Studiio - All-In-One Radio Communication Platform
SMS | Phone Calls | Social Media | Content

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