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ShoutcastStreaming being DDoS attacked

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We received this email from a group posing as Anonymous:

Stop hosting the
radio station White Power Radio. If you do not, these DDos attacks will continue. We do not want to disrupt your non hate filled business. But we need to get your attention. Remove them as a client. NOW!..


We are legion

We never forget

We never forgive

Expect Us!


However we don't host either website. So our main site is down as we are getting constant DDoS attacks and our Data Center has null routed us.


It seems that people have better things to do than to disrupt a company trying to support Internet Radio. We responded to their email, but the attacks continue.


Any suggestions ?


SCS - Dedicated Bandwidth Servers

Shoutcast / Icecast / Windows Media

Transcoding - Auto DJ - Mobile Radio - FLASH Players - Auto DJ

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That's awful :( Sorry to hear.

You would think they would do their research better. If you need any temporary hosting for your website, let me know!


All I can suggest is keep your customers well informed and explain clearly that data was not lost and security has not been compromised. It's always a good idea to put youtube video explaining what DDoS attacks are and how unfortunately common they are. Hopefully you won't lose any customers with this issue.

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As a follow-up, we were DDoS'ed by the group Anonymous and we went through a 2nd attack. They finally provided the correct information and it wasn't a station we were hosting. It was a FLASH player under a different name.


The station went off the air today, as I'm sure they were also DDoS'ed so Anonymous emailed us and said they would leave us alone.


BTW, they follow BroadcastingWorld.

SCS - Dedicated Bandwidth Servers

Shoutcast / Icecast / Windows Media

Transcoding - Auto DJ - Mobile Radio - FLASH Players - Auto DJ

Broadcasting World's Stream Host of the Month

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As a follow-up, we were DDoS'ed by the group Anonymous and we went through a 2nd attack. They finally provided the correct information and it wasn't a station we were hosting. It was a FLASH player under a different name.


The station went off the air today, as I'm sure they were also DDoS'ed so Anonymous emailed us and said they would leave us alone.


BTW, they follow BroadcastingWorld.

That's great news, glad you are able to conduct business again. At least they were honorable enough to follow up on information so it could get cured.


Rob Oyler

5280 Jazz

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