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Broadcasting Schools? Where to study, how to get started


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Hey everyone, I'm 41 and still trying to figure out what I'm doing with my life. I really to get into talk radio, and am so confused as far as the best way to get started. I see a bunch of radio broadcasting schools, are these a are rip-off? There are also a few "mentorship programs" like BMG where you pay around $8000 to get paired up one on one with a working radio professional.


I already went to music school - big bucks and no real job potential (unless i want to teach, which I do NOT) (expensive mistake)


HELP!!! Any advice on these schools/paid mentorships?


I'm not in college so I am not even eligible for traditional internships.... please advise!




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Hi Andy,

Welcome to BW !


My answer can sounds a little stupid but it is the truth

Radio itself is the school to follow to learn all about skills, tools, how to act as a broadcaster & much more


I'm into broadcasting since 1978 ... yes thats a while ago

I had the opportunity to make from my hobby my daily fulltime job, I even was able to start as independent

I did the "road" as dj MC, hosted events, was VIP at many events, I worked several times abroad etc etc


In everything I did I learned something about the World of radio, artists etc

Yes, a few times I went face down for reason that I was willing to do it my way ... but those things are happening only a few times

If people don't like it, they don't ask the host for a new opportunity / job


These days I'm not anymore "on the road" and I do what I like to do as my hobby ... Yes sometimes too much, but I wanna do everything who concerns audio the perfect as possibly

Some call Me nuts, others are calling Me a legend for reason of what I do (audio editing, SFX etc etc)

In the world of broadcasting there are always people who gonna have pro & cons ... Afterall "its a small World", however thousands of people are into that business


Don't spent money ... In fact, never spent money to so called wouldbe's who "think" that they have the knowledge

I never followed any school, training or whatever ... I learned everything as a real selfmade man ... offcourse with days that everything went A-OK, but I had also days where everything went wrong

But We have to accept that, whatever happens

Start allover again, every single day


Sometimes I'm getting (at least) angry if I read online tutorials, or when I watch a video about "how to manage" or how to be a broadcaster


If you have interests in radio / broadcasting / using your voice ... search / buy some good software ... buy a good quality pro mic (RODE NT1A is awesome "and" cheap), a small Behringer mixer (some has a price lower than 100 $) ... and make yourself some tryouts

How sounds your voice ? Regular ? Smooth ? Crackling ? Sharp ? etc

Be very critical to yourself, adjust any fault to a good thing ...

If You speak into a mic ... Are you using your vocal cords or your belly ? Strange ? No sir

By using your belly as a box filled with air you can train your vocal cords the differences between low, high, fast, slow, color of your voice etc

By doing that you gonna be amazed of what is able to create with your voice ... Your tool = your voice


I suppose that You have a nice pc

Buy a license for Adobe Audition, search for plugins such as Izotope and anything who can have your interests

Adobe Audition has in fact a wide range of build in tools ... but some has to be added as VST plugin etc


If that is all set and done ... Go for it and make yourself some demo files, make yourself a SoundCloud profile ... share it with like minded people (friends are prejudiced)

Share it at BW and any other place where you can receive feedback ... Bad feedback ? Don't be sad ... Thats a good thing ! Afterall nobody is perfect ...

Learn from mistakes, adjust them and someday someone gonna ask you "hey, can you make a read for Me ?" or Can You share some knowledge in the setup of a project ?


By the way, You are 41 ... Thats still a "young" age, You are still a rookie ... lol

I'm 56, and be sure that I still learn every single new day

Accept, look at stores for some good gear, create yourself an identity and "just go for it" (by the way : you don't have to buy NIKE to achieve that last thing :) )

Good luck and keep Us posted !

Edited by GKIye
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