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Unable to Create AuthHash

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Something has changed in SHOUTcast version2 (build in that I can't create AuthHash.


Usually when I would click on CREATE AUTHHASH it would take me to a screen to input the information (screenshot #1).


But with the new version it takes me to a SHOUTcast login screen (screenshot #2). I create an account, but nowhere does it allow me to create the AuthHash. Anyone else having this issue or what is the workaround ?



SCS - Dedicated Bandwidth Servers

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The in-DNAS authhash management was removed with 2.5x releases for the 'better' site-side account managed option to make things more RN like.


Unless they've broken it, you should still be able to use a 2.4.7 install to use the prior in-DNAS method (but they really don't want you using that ;) ).



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So what you are saying that there is no way to create the AuthHash anymore with the new version ? I've tried every way and every link I could see, after I created an account and can't find out how to do it. Does this mean I won't be listed ?


Thanks Doc.

SCS - Dedicated Bandwidth Servers

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I found out where it was, after 20 minutes of trying. They make it absolutely so difficult to do it now. I had to go through 23 pages of street signs before I got it correct. Why is progress so difficult ?

SCS - Dedicated Bandwidth Servers

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As you've found you can create an authhash with the new way but it's a complete pain in the arse and depends on so much more working 'right' to get to the desired end result (which after the time that it's been would have been sorted out by now vs when I was beta testing it but I guess not if you've had such a torrid time especially with the captchas).


The in-DNAS method had it's issues but it was far fewer steps to get broadcasting and listed and still tried to keep with the ideals of SHOUTcast in just setup & go without having to mess around with accounts, etc. I know people hate the authhash but as it helps resolve the main issue of the YP having a fixed piece of data to maintain a reliable listing (unlike with the 1.x method which is very fuzzy in nature) it's sort of needed assuming that being listed is a) needed and b) even worth doing anymore (I'd have to say no based on what I'm seeing).


Personally if you don't need the fluff that they're trying to entice people in with (it's really just a way to know who's using the system to try to spam them into going with the advertising stuff rather than providing anything actually helpful) then I'd just keep a 2.4.7 build installed (it's sad that 2.5 never got properly finished off & made stable) and use that to create the authhash as needed since you can still manually edit things into DNAS configs once you've got an appropriate authhash than using their current option. The alternative is just setting the DNAS to private and getting the stream(s) listed in the active / popular directories which is what most seem to do anyway :)



Edited by DrO
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