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Help us, and get AdMaster commercials scheduler license for free for a year

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Hi everyone,


For all of you that have never heard about it, AdMaster is a stand alone, easy to use commercials (traffic) scheduling software, full of powerful ad breaks scheduling features. In addition to several output template presets, it can be set to generate a custom configured output log, to meet the import requirements of main automation/playout software. In other words, you can build a filename structure/extension and the output log content structure in hundreds of different ways, so that your current automation can insert it to the main playlist.


We would like to add more output presets to AdMaster, but there are way too many radio automation solutions out there to install and test them one by one (not to mention that not all of them have the trial versions publicly available)... and this is where we need your help.


We are offering a 12 months AdMaster license for free, to anyone who configures its output log to work with their current automation software, if not already included to AdMaster's output presets. Once a free year runs out, you'll get a lifetime beta-tester discount.


If you are interested in, please visit http://www.admaster.info for more information.


Have a great day,

Marco w/ AdMaster Team

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