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3306 is typically used for mysql, I cannot advocate opening that port up though for security reasons (unless you have hard IP address filtering).

It would help if you could give us some more information. It's like me telling you that my cars broken and you need to fix it but you cannot look at it. Its almost impossible to fix the car without either describing the problem or the type of car.

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You need to allow access to port 3306 on your Router and Windows Firewall (even ones in antivirus software)


You would also need to unblock 1221 on your router and firewall too.


Its generally recommended you don't use "root" for requests you will have to create a new SQL user https://djgarybaldy.co.uk/creating-a-new-sql-user/


The request system n SAM is just difficult to setup, code for and maintain. Considering it needs 2 ports the requests for RadioDJ only requires one port 3006.

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RadioDJ is my FAVOURITE piece of software it works when I need It



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I think I know what this users issue is... A free website host will never allow the ports required to be open.

My Blog https://djgarybaldy.blogspot.com

User of RadioDJ FREE radio playout software since 2010.

How to Install RadioDJ: https://djgarybaldy.blogspot.com/2020/08/how-to-install-radiodj-free-radio.html

RadioDJ is my FAVOURITE piece of software it works when I need It



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