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Hello!I am new to sam broadcaster and i am looking for a very simple pal script.


I have a category named "Tracks" and a category named "Ads".

What i want to do:

Play from cat "Tracks" 10 songs with "the least played artist rule" and then 1 ad from cat "Ads".

Then,play another 10 songs with "the least played artist rule" and then 1 ad from cat "Ads".

and repeat all the time this.


Nothing else like volume,decks,song info....Only this simple loop.

Have in mind that i have the option "keep 5 songs in the queue" because with 0 songs in the queue after some time i get an error like that: " there is no song in the queue an after 20 tries" it stops autodj an turn to queue :sad:

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Why would you want a PAL script to do this when it would be better as a clockwheel? Set SAM to keep 3 tracks in the queue (if you do more the chances opf getting duplicates in the queue is increased)


Save this as a clockwheel

Cat['Tracks'].QueueBottom(smLRP, EnforceRules);
Cat['Tracks'].QueueBottom(smLRP, EnforceRules);
Cat['Tracks'].QueueBottom(smLRP, EnforceRules);
Cat['Tracks'].QueueBottom(smLRP, EnforceRules);
Cat['Tracks'].QueueBottom(smLRP, EnforceRules);
Cat['Tracks'].QueueBottom(smLRP, EnforceRules);
Cat['Tracks'].QueueBottom(smLRP, EnforceRules);
Cat['Tracks'].QueueBottom(smLRP, EnforceRules);
Cat['Tracks'].QueueBottom(smLRP, EnforceRules);
Cat['Tracks'].QueueBottom(smLRP, EnforceRules);
Cat['Ads'].QueueBottom(smLRP, NoRules);


Use the event Scheduler to load the clo0ckwheel or simply load it with the Config>>Playlist Rotation Rules>>Playlist Logic Modules editor


Rob Oyler

5280 Jazz

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Thank you for your answer!I will try this now!As i said i am very new to sam broadcaster and i dont know many about the settings or pal.I knew it was easy but i dont have the knowledge:) Thank you again!

Its working fine!!!! ty again:thumbup:

Edited by mailbomber2001
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FYI, smLRPA is the least played artist logic rule, I gave you the clockwheel for Least Recently Played. You mentioned that SAM couldn't find tracks and that could be why, hence the least played tracks. GKIye suggested smLemming logic which randomly selects the logic from all the logic's available, personally I would never use it, try smRandom on a few to introduce a bit of randomness to SAM's selections.


Rob Oyler

5280 Jazz

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I have a best (better) experience with it.

smLemmingLogic use each rule once in a row of the commands.

So it plays song A as Most recently song, B as Least recently song, C as Most recently artist, D as Least recently artist etc etc


Well thats what I have learned through the past years.

Random gave a too high return of played songs in a too short time, and other songs were skipped.


To prevent that some songs are returning anyway during 36 to 48 hours I'm using 2 different clockwheels.

They have both the same format, but CW 1 takes songs from the location XX80s and CW 2 takes them from YY80s. The same happens to all other genres ...

Both are switched every 6 hours ... For reason that returning song title is set to 29 hours I create a better rotation of all songs

There is a current archive of 14.000+ songs

Why ???? Please explain in detail your rational.
Edited by GKIye
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smLemmingLogic randomly picks from one of the following (smWeighted, smPriority, smRandom, smMRPA, smLRPA, smMRP, smLRP) to pick the song for that Category.


So it doesn't make sense that it is random, as it can pick the most recently played song / artist during the selection process.


I would use smRandom and then change my song weights (Tools > Maintenance > Reset Wright Balance) once every few weeks.

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In general You are right.


I learned after years of streaming, since 2002, that smLemmingLogic gives very good results if the software is continuous online (a Month or longer before a reboot is made).

It reflects very nicely to the rotation and picks more often lesser played songs.

If the software gets a reboot every week, than the problem can be that the database takes the same songs more often.


I accept that everyone has their own experiences, I'm not perfect and no one is.


smLemmingLogic randomly picks from one of the following (smWeighted, smPriority, smRandom, smMRPA, smLRPA, smMRP, smLRP) to pick the song for that Category.


So it doesn't make sense that it is random, as it can pick the most recently played song / artist during the selection process.


I would use smRandom and then change my song weights (Tools > Maintenance > Reset Wright Balance) once every few weeks.

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