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Vinyl Gaining Popularity


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[center:u4uhg2xh]I ran across this article regarding how Vinyl is gaining long-lost ground against the CD.


What's your take on it? I've always been a member of the Vinyl Has Better Audio Quality camp, but can't deny the convenience of CDs (in size, ease-of-tranportation, and cuing ability).


It's silly to think that vinyl will make it to prominence the way it once did. It is nice to see that it is still appreciated, even after over 20 years since the CD made its debut.[/center:u4uhg2xh]

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[center:u4uhg2xh]I ran across this article regarding how Vinyl is gaining long-lost ground against the CD.


What's your take on it? I've always been a member of the Vinyl Has Better Audio Quality camp, but can't deny the convenience of CDs (in size, ease-of-tranportation, and cuing ability).


It's silly to think that vinyl will make it to prominence the way it once did. It is nice to see that it is still appreciated, even after over 20 years since the CD made its debut.[/center:u4uhg2xh]

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hmm.. alot of bands still do vinyl records aswel as cd and digital releases. I know the club and dance industry use vinyl a LOT! I know being a dj (record dj) But ive gone digital, the vinyl's are too expensove and exclusive. Hard to find these days.


I think they are dieing down though :)

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hmm.. alot of bands still do vinyl records aswel as cd and digital releases. I know the club and dance industry use vinyl a LOT! I know being a dj (record dj) But ive gone digital, the vinyl's are too expensove and exclusive. Hard to find these days.


I think they are dieing down though :)


That's a sad truth. Of course, I don't miss lugging thost 40-50 pound crates of vinyl around when doing mobile DJing.

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hmm.. alot of bands still do vinyl records aswel as cd and digital releases. I know the club and dance industry use vinyl a LOT! I know being a dj (record dj) But ive gone digital, the vinyl's are too expensove and exclusive. Hard to find these days.


I think they are dieing down though :)

Studiio - All-In-One Radio Communication Platform
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hmm.. alot of bands still do vinyl records aswel as cd and digital releases. I know the club and dance industry use vinyl a LOT! I know being a dj (record dj) But ive gone digital, the vinyl's are too expensove and exclusive. Hard to find these days.


I think they are dieing down though :)


That's a sad truth. Of course, I don't miss lugging thost 40-50 pound crates of vinyl around when doing mobile DJing.

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