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I need HTML help!

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Okay, James tried having a whack at it but he couldn't figure it out. Now the problem is this. http://s1.zetaboards.com/1Radio/pages/tunein/ {BEWARE! MUSIC MAY BE BROADCASTING! CLICK STOP TO STOP MUSIC!} on the bottom of that page where the "PayPal Donate" button is, it isn't where I want it. I want it to be right above ZetaBoards, so it looks like this in the purple http://s1.zetaboards.com/1Radio/pages/chat/ at the bottom, that donation button is where I want the one on the listen page to be. Just like that.


There is something wrong with the RSS Feed or the Flash Player. When I remove all the text and the RSS and keep it just the flash player it works perfectly fine and its in the area I want it. But as soon as I put the RSS and the text back in it screws up. Please help, HTML code below


Messed up "Listen" page

1Radio Flashplayer
<br />
<br />
// ***********************************************<br />
// AUTHOR: [url]WWW.CGISCRIPT.NET[/url], LLC<br />
// URL: [url]http://www.cgiscript.net[/url]<br />
// Use the script, just leave this message intact.<br />
// Download your FREE CGI/Perl Scripts today!<br />
// ( [url]http://www.cgiscript.net/scripts.htm[/url] )<br />
// ***********************************************<br />
<br />
message = "Sorry, this function has been disabled.";<br />
<br />
function NoRightClick(b) {<br />
if(((navigator.appName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer")&&(event.button > 1))<br />
||((navigator.appName=="Netscape")&&(b.which > 1))){<br />
alert(message);<br />
return false;<br />
}<br />
}<br />
document.onmousedown = NoRightClick;<br />
<br />
// --><br />

<br />
<!--<br />
body {<br />
margin-left: 0px;<br />
margin-top: 0px;<br />
margin-right: 0px;<br />
margin-bottom: 0px;<br />
}<br />
--><br />

If you are unable to hear the
broadcast, it's because there is no one broadcasting.

RSS Reader
This widget is the staple of our platform. Read all your feeds right here with this one widget - Supported feeds are OPML, RSS, RDF, ATOM. Watch your favorite Podcast in the embedded Video Player on the Desktop or publish your own video playlist to your site for others to view!var flashVars = {param_param:'http%3A%2F%2Ffeeds.feedburner.com%2F1radioSchedule', param_style_borderColor:'0x000000', param_style_brandUrl:'', param_compactView:'false', param_blurbLength:'1000'};var params= {wmode:'transparent', quality:'high', allownetworking:'all', allowscriptaccess:'always', allowfullscreen:'true', bgcolor:'0x000000'};swfobject.embedSWF('http://downloads.thespringbox.com/web/wrapper.php?file=RSS Reader.sbw', 'springwidgets_23', '400', '636', '8.0.0', 'http://downloads.thespringbox.com/web/expressInstall.swf', flashVars, params);

All time-zones on this schedule are
Greenwich Mean Time (00:00)


Working "Chatroom" code

.mcrmeebo { display: block; background:url("http://widget.meebo.com/r.gif") no-repeat top right; } .mcrmeebo:hover { background:url("http://widget.meebo.com/ro.gif") no-repeat top right; } [url="http://www.meebo.com/rooms"][img=http://widget.meebo.com/b.gif][/url]

Welcome to 1Radio.org's Meebo room, 
please do not abuse this chat or you will be banned from using it

Thank you,



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Okay, James tried having a whack at it but he couldn't figure it out. Now the problem is this. http://s1.zetaboards.com/1Radio/pages/tunein/ {BEWARE! MUSIC MAY BE BROADCASTING! CLICK STOP TO STOP MUSIC!} on the bottom of that page where the "PayPal Donate" button is, it isn't where I want it. I want it to be right above ZetaBoards, so it looks like this in the purple http://s1.zetaboards.com/1Radio/pages/chat/ at the bottom, that donation button is where I want the one on the listen page to be. Just like that.


There is something wrong with the RSS Feed or the Flash Player. When I remove all the text and the RSS and keep it just the flash player it works perfectly fine and its in the area I want it. But as soon as I put the RSS and the text back in it screws up. Please help, HTML code below


Messed up "Listen" page

1Radio Flashplayer
<br />
<br />
// ***********************************************<br />
// AUTHOR: [url]WWW.CGISCRIPT.NET[/url], LLC<br />
// URL: [url]http://www.cgiscript.net[/url]<br />
// Use the script, just leave this message intact.<br />
// Download your FREE CGI/Perl Scripts today!<br />
// ( [url]http://www.cgiscript.net/scripts.htm[/url] )<br />
// ***********************************************<br />
<br />
message = "Sorry, this function has been disabled.";<br />
<br />
function NoRightClick(b) {<br />
if(((navigator.appName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer")&&(event.button > 1))<br />
||((navigator.appName=="Netscape")&&(b.which > 1))){<br />
alert(message);<br />
return false;<br />
}<br />
}<br />
document.onmousedown = NoRightClick;<br />
<br />
// --><br />

<br />
<!--<br />
body {<br />
margin-left: 0px;<br />
margin-top: 0px;<br />
margin-right: 0px;<br />
margin-bottom: 0px;<br />
}<br />
--><br />

If you are unable to hear the
broadcast, it's because there is no one broadcasting.

RSS Reader
This widget is the staple of our platform. Read all your feeds right here with this one widget - Supported feeds are OPML, RSS, RDF, ATOM. Watch your favorite Podcast in the embedded Video Player on the Desktop or publish your own video playlist to your site for others to view!var flashVars = {param_param:'http%3A%2F%2Ffeeds.feedburner.com%2F1radioSchedule', param_style_borderColor:'0x000000', param_style_brandUrl:'', param_compactView:'false', param_blurbLength:'1000'};var params= {wmode:'transparent', quality:'high', allownetworking:'all', allowscriptaccess:'always', allowfullscreen:'true', bgcolor:'0x000000'};swfobject.embedSWF('http://downloads.thespringbox.com/web/wrapper.php?file=RSS Reader.sbw', 'springwidgets_23', '400', '636', '8.0.0', 'http://downloads.thespringbox.com/web/expressInstall.swf', flashVars, params);

All time-zones on this schedule are
Greenwich Mean Time (00:00)


Working "Chatroom" code

.mcrmeebo { display: block; background:url("http://widget.meebo.com/r.gif") no-repeat top right; } .mcrmeebo:hover { background:url("http://widget.meebo.com/ro.gif") no-repeat top right; } [url="http://www.meebo.com/rooms"][img=http://widget.meebo.com/b.gif][/url]

Welcome to 1Radio.org's Meebo room, 
please do not abuse this chat or you will be banned from using it

Thank you,



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