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Newsreaders Wanted


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Gday guys


we have out live stream up and running in BETA. The news running is an old recording since my mate is sick and we need some newscasters. Once a week for a 2-5 min news update!


It involves..

  • Writing The Latest News Script (Or Just Read It From A News Site)[/*:m:da5n5f5c]
  • Recording The News With Your Voice[/*:m:da5n5f5c]
  • Sending The News File Via Email To Me[/*:m:da5n5f5c]


You can attach your ad to the newscasts. If you do this, you are entitled to be in the running for the staff cash prize every month. We can have 1-3 Newsreaders, you can set out a timetable if there are more than one interested.


Remember you get free advertsing in audio and on the site.


Just write back to this topic with "Im interested" And i will PM you asap!


Studiio - All-In-One Radio Communication Platform
SMS | Phone Calls | Social Media | Content

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Gday guys


we have out live stream up and running in BETA. The news running is an old recording since my mate is sick and we need some newscasters. Once a week for a 2-5 min news update!


It involves..

  • Writing The Latest News Script (Or Just Read It From A News Site)[/*:m:da5n5f5c]
  • Recording The News With Your Voice[/*:m:da5n5f5c]
  • Sending The News File Via Email To Me[/*:m:da5n5f5c]


You can attach your ad to the newscasts. If you do this, you are entitled to be in the running for the staff cash prize every month. We can have 1-3 Newsreaders, you can set out a timetable if there are more than one interested.


Remember you get free advertsing in audio and on the site.


Just write back to this topic with "Im interested" And i will PM you asap!


Studiio - All-In-One Radio Communication Platform
SMS | Phone Calls | Social Media | Content

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I just had an idea about this.


Why not have various people read the news for you? Either in a random or cyclical fashion. "And now today's news, read by (dj music) from (myownonlineradiostation)" type thing. That way you get a variety of voices and accents and give each DJ a chance to contribute and be a part (which, I know, is redundant) of it.

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I just had an idea about this.


Why not have various people read the news for you? Either in a random or cyclical fashion. "And now today's news, read by (dj music) from (myownonlineradiostation)" type thing. That way you get a variety of voices and accents and give each DJ a chance to contribute and be a part (which, I know, is redundant) of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alrighty guys! We are looking for volounteer newsreaders to collect up a script of news and record it :)


Every SATURDAY we will be putting up our newsreaders! So.. if you are interested in doing this and sending us some recordings every saturday, just reply here :)


You will be able to mention your website in the script for a bit of credit also you have to mention this site.


Lets see if we have anyone interested :)

Studiio - All-In-One Radio Communication Platform
SMS | Phone Calls | Social Media | Content

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Yeah I'm definatly up for this,


Is this your Saturday (GMT +10) or my Saturday? :P


Also - how long should these news recordings be?


As a rough guide - the station I broadcast on uses 3 minute bulletins during the day, and 90 seconds in the evenings

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Im thinking about adding our own stream. If anyone would like to host a show! LET ME KNOW! Id love to get some dj's up and the shoutbox active.


Still accepting newsreaders!



I'll do anything, if you want to get the stream up. I'll produce shows util we're full! lol

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