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Anyone seen the new batman movie?


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Hey, anyone seen the new batman movie? Ive heard soo many good things about it! I may go see it soon, but the thing that got me was that its made the most money from a movie in the world!


This is the biggest movie in box office history! :biggrinthumb:


Anybody got plans to see it, or have?

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I still haven't seen it. I saw a bit of Batman Begins on TV and noticed how dark in tone this Batman was compared to the others.


I assume that is the case in Dark Knight as well?


Heath Ledger looks very intense in the trailers.

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"Heath Ledger as the Joker makes this film"





While not TOO familiar with Australia, I remember pulling into Perth a week after he died, and to hear some of the local's talk about him. You would think that the U.S. had just lost Tom Cruise.


Thats about the closest analogy I can give.

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